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Explanation of iOS Product Price Adjustment
2022-10-04 06:00:00
Dear Adventurers,
We have been notified by the App Store that effective as early as October 5, 2022, the prices of items purchased within the App will increase in some countries and regions (including but not limited to Chile, Sweden, and all territories that use the euro currency) due to international exchange rate fluctuations.
As a result of this price adjustment, over the next few days adventurers using iOS devices may experience different prices for the same items. Please pay careful attention to the actual amount paid for any subsequent purchases. The price of items for Android system is expected to be adjusted on October 8.
Should you have any questions about the above information, please contact us through the official customer service channel. We will always do our utmost to respond in a timely manner. 
Rehdan Village Council
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Explanation of iOS Product Price Adjustment 2022-10-04 06:00:00
Dear Adventurers,
We have been notified by the App Store that effective as early as October 5, 2022, the prices of items purchased within the App will increase in some countries and regions (including but not limited to Chile, Sweden, and all territories that use the euro currency) due to international exchange rate fluctuations.
As a result of this price adjustment, over the next few days adventurers using iOS devices may experience different prices for the same items. Please pay careful attention to the actual amount paid for any subsequent purchases. The price of items for Android system is expected to be adjusted on October 8.
Should you have any questions about the above information, please contact us through the official customer service channel. We will always do our utmost to respond in a timely manner. 
Rehdan Village Council
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