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Ys Online Event Announcement - February 16
2023-02-15 04:51:54
1. [Hero Summon] UR Hero - Ifrit Arrives for a Limited-time
Event Time: Unlocks once the server has been open for 171 days. The event will last 7 days (The earliest event opening time is February 16).
Event Content:
◇10x Summon for 50 times to receive a guaranteed UR Hero - Ifrit
※ The Blazing Tyrant who burns all creatures
◇ Flame Shock (Level 1): Attacks a random enemy within range, dealing magic damage and inflicts a stack of "Flickering Flame" that lasts 6s. If the targets have already been inflicted with "Flickering Flame," they will take 3x damage.
◇ Conflagration (Level 1): Unleashes a huge fireball toward enemies in an extremely wide range, dealing massive damage. Depletes the flame when hitting enemies inflicted with "Flickering Flame," stunning them for 2s.
◇ New Host (Level 1): Picks the most powerful soul and drains (converts DMG dealt to HP) 30% of its max HP. Increases the ATK by 2% in the next 5s. After inflicting [Flamewraith] to a target, reduces its DEF by 2% for 5s, and then stuns it for 5s. If the target dies with [Flamewraith], increases Ifrit's ATK by 30% and grants her Immunity to all control effects in the coming battle. Draining doesn't work on monsters.
◇ Guardian Skill (Level 1): Boost for Main Character: All attributes +158, Basic Attack +10%, HP +1%, DEF +1%
2. [Summon Bonus]
Event Time: Unlocks once the server has been open for 171 days. The event will last 7 days. (Unlocks together with the [Hero Summon] Event)
Event Content: Recharge for a certain amount to receive the Limited Summon Ticket (Hero)!
The Rehdan Village Council
February 15
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Ys Online Event Announcement - February 16 2023-02-15 04:51:54
1. [Hero Summon] UR Hero - Ifrit Arrives for a Limited-time
Event Time: Unlocks once the server has been open for 171 days. The event will last 7 days (The earliest event opening time is February 16).
Event Content:
◇10x Summon for 50 times to receive a guaranteed UR Hero - Ifrit
※ The Blazing Tyrant who burns all creatures
◇ Flame Shock (Level 1): Attacks a random enemy within range, dealing magic damage and inflicts a stack of "Flickering Flame" that lasts 6s. If the targets have already been inflicted with "Flickering Flame," they will take 3x damage.
◇ Conflagration (Level 1): Unleashes a huge fireball toward enemies in an extremely wide range, dealing massive damage. Depletes the flame when hitting enemies inflicted with "Flickering Flame," stunning them for 2s.
◇ New Host (Level 1): Picks the most powerful soul and drains (converts DMG dealt to HP) 30% of its max HP. Increases the ATK by 2% in the next 5s. After inflicting [Flamewraith] to a target, reduces its DEF by 2% for 5s, and then stuns it for 5s. If the target dies with [Flamewraith], increases Ifrit's ATK by 30% and grants her Immunity to all control effects in the coming battle. Draining doesn't work on monsters.
◇ Guardian Skill (Level 1): Boost for Main Character: All attributes +158, Basic Attack +10%, HP +1%, DEF +1%
2. [Summon Bonus]
Event Time: Unlocks once the server has been open for 171 days. The event will last 7 days. (Unlocks together with the [Hero Summon] Event)
Event Content: Recharge for a certain amount to receive the Limited Summon Ticket (Hero)!
The Rehdan Village Council
February 15
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