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How to Acquire Minerals

2019-07-02 03:56:48

This article introduces the minerals in the game and how to acquire them.

Normal Minerals:

Semiconductor Gel: Wormholes of any level, Exploration, Recruit Dispatch, Gravitational Wave Scans, and Corp Quests.

Hydrocarbon Polymer: Wormholes of any level, Exploration, Recruit Dispatch, Gravitational Wave Scans, and Corp Quests.

Superconducting Ceramic Body: Wormholes of any level, Exploration, Recruit Dispatch, Gravitational Wave Scans, and Corp Quests.

Oxide Crystal: Middle layer of Mild Wormholes and above, R2 Explorations, Recruit Dispatch in solar systems with 23 Prosperity and above, Gravitational Wave Scans, and certain Corp Quests.

Ir-Ti Alloy: Middle layer of Abnormal Wormholes and above, R4 Explorations, Recruit Dispatch in solar systems with 40 Prosperity and above, advanced Gravitational Wave Scans, and certain Corp Quests.

You may also acquire normal minerals from the following: Rewards of Main/Side Quests, Pilot License Rewards, Pan Gala, Corp Pts Store.

Corp Minerals:

Corp Minerals are mainly obtained from Corp Business and the Refinery. It also can be purchased at GALAXIA with Gala.

You can donate Gala to your Corporation.