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Sovereignty War

2019-07-02 03:59:01

Controlling an entire solar system and its development can greatly increase the revenue of a corporation and thus its overall capability. Here we are going to briefly introduce how to take over a solar system by Sovereignty War.

Basic Progress

Declare war/Others declared war on you >> Militarized period >> Battle >> Ceasefire >> Showdown >> Claim >> Reckoning >> Peace

Detailed Steps

1. Player corps many declare war on anarchy solar systems to contest for its sovereignty.

1. Tap on "Sovereignty"

2. Select an anarchy solar system, then tap "Warfare > Declare War"

2. The battle will be in the defender's solar system. Players may attack 3 Sovereignty Metacentre Facilities.

3. The attacker must destroy at least 2 Sovereignty Metacentre Facilities out of 3 to achieve victory. Then the war will enter the Claim stage.

4. To defend successfully, the defender must destroy all 3 Sovereignty Interference Facilities controlled by the attacker before 2 Metacentre Facilities are destroyed.


The war doesn't affect the normal functions of facilities. During the war, the defender can unfurl facilities as usual. But once the war leads to a transition of sovereignty, all unfurled facilities will go offline immediately.