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Map Info Introduction

2019-07-02 04:00:30

There are mainly two types of maps in Second Galaxy: Solar System Map and Realm Map. The Solar System Map mainly shows the relationships between the star and planets of the current Solar System. The Realm Map shows how each Solar System is connected to each other by the Stargates.

Solar System Map:

Buttons on the left side:

Realm: Open the Ream panel to see locations of all Solar Systems.

Encounter Probes: Tap to start an Encounter at the cost of a Probe. You get a new Encounter Probe every 4 hours. You can also get probes from the item "Encounter Probes".

 Dispatch Probes: Tap to acquire multiple Dispatch Quests at the cost of a Probe. You get a new Dispatch Probe every hour.

 Raid Probes: Tap to acquire multiple Raid Quests at the cost of Probe. You get a new Raid Probe every 10 hours. 

Buttons on the right side:

Solar System Summary: Infos on available Space Stations, Stargates, Stars, and Planets in the current Solar System.

Main Quests: Available Main Quests in the current Solar System.

Encounters: Encounters detected in the current Solar System.

Dispatch Quests: Dispatch Quests detected in the current Solar System.

Raid Quests: All detected Raid Quests.

Realm Map:


Locate: Tap the button to locate the Pilot, your Base, and your Corporation.

Markers on the map

 The solar system where the pilot is.

Where your personal base is.

Where your corporation is based.

Top: Search the location of a solar system by its name.

Bottom Right: Select a map view of the realm. Tap the  button in the bottom middle to see more details on each view.