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2019-07-02 04:39:35

Encounters are a type of major daily quests. Complete Encounters to earn a great amount of EXP, Credits, and other items.

How to Participate

1.Open OPS, then select Encounter and tap Go Now.


2.Tap the Encounter button to detect an Encounter at the cost of a Probe. Select the quest and finish the dialogue to accept it.


3. Select the ship you want to send then tap Go to start the quest. Mind that ships marked with a red skull cannot be recovered once they are destroyed.



1.You receive a new Encounter Probe every 4 hours. Alternatively, the Probe items in your warehouse can provide additional Probe charges.

2.The difficulty and rewards of Encounters are based on Pilot Level and Prosperity of the current solar system. The lower limit depends on Pilot Level, while the upper limit is decided by Prosperity. When a solar system is less populated, the rewards from its Encounters will also decrease.

3.After Lv19, your ship has a chance to be shot down during an Encounter. Destroyed ships will not restore automatically.