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2019-07-02 04:44:35

Wormholes are the secret areas that contain a great number of unknown ruins and asteroid belts with rare mineral resources. But it won't be easy to put your hand on them.


Mode Info

 1. Wormhole Levels.

There are 5 levels of wormholes, from the least dangerous to the most: Mild Wormholes, Unstable Wormholes, Alarming Wormholes, Critical Wormholes, and Deadly Wormholes. More dangerous wormholes require a higher pilot level to enter, as well as greater ships. But of course, the rewards will be better, as well. You can enter wormholes up to 3 times a day. Use your map to locate wormholes.


The Wormhole Collapse Spot spawns in a random solar system every calendar week.


2. Hostile Player Behaviors

While in a wormhole, players may attack any target in their sight anywhere except for the area in the vicinity of the Collapse Spot. There are no security fleets in wormholes. Attacking other players won't be considered as criminal behaviors. If you get shot down by another player while in a wormhole, you will lose all installed items as well as your cargo.


3. Wormhole Tunnel & Navigation Points

Each wormhole consists of several wormhole systems. These systems are connected by wormhole tunnels. Players in a wormhole may travel between wormhole systems by passing through these tunnels. The center area of a wormhole has the most valuable treasures. Wormhole tunnels will teleport you to a random location in the target system. And you can't use your map while in a wormhole.

Unknown navigation point signals spread over every wormhole. But players won't be able to acquire any useful information from the signals themselves. There's only one way to figure out what they are - warping towards them and see for yourself.


4. Wormhole Environment

Any ships in a wormhole system are affected by its environment. The performance of your ship will decrease because of the harsh surroundings. Wormhole environment influences will become stronger as time passes by. Eventually, these influences will be critical.

You may acquire buffs that weakens the wormhole environment influences but it is still very dangerous to remain in a wormhole for too long time.


5. Leaving a Wormhole

There's a Return Beacon in every wormhole system. These beacons work in a way similar to the collapse spot. Mind that you won't be able to use any of your weapons near them. You can return to the collapse point by passing through a return beacon.