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Facility Attacks

2019-07-02 04:53:38

When a corp takes control of a solar system, it can unfurl facilities in that system. Once a facility is unfurled, it can provide a range of functions for the corp. For example, a mining facility can extract minerals. A watchtower can detect incoming enemies. An assembling factory can provide additional production lines.

How to Participate

1. Select a facility to attack.

2. When the target facility is not under retrieval, the attacker can launch attacks at it at the cost of Gala.

3. Before the attack starts, there will be an interference stage. A disruption tower will appear and starts to prepare for the interference. The disruption tower cannot be attacked in this stage.

4. When the battle begins, the attacks on the facility will start. When the facility activates the emergency mode, players won't be able to attack for a while. Once the cooldown ends, players may launch attacks again.

5. During the showdown stage, both the disruption tower and the facility can be attacked. If the facility is eventually destroyed, the attacker wins and the disruption tower will be removed. If the disruption tower is destroyed, the defender wins and the attacked facility will be restored to full shield and armor.


1. You cannot attack the facilities of your allies.

2. If you don't have sufficient Gala, you won't be able to launch attacks at any facilities.