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2019-07-02 04:58:09

Have you suffered heavy losses in PvP activities? Ask your corp mates for help! They can provide compensations for you and help you hold up well again. United as one, you will be indomitable!


In a word, corp members can post their Damage Reports and request donations from the others.



 - This feature is only available for players who are in a corp. Only the reports generated after joining the corp are valid. You can only post reports within one month. The status of the report must be "Not Compensated".

 - Only ships, attachments, and ammo are compensable. The cargo you lost is not counted.

 - For ships and attachments, only the damaged units are compensable. The quantity of compensable ammo is based on the weapon.


Damage Report Status

Each damage report may have 3 status: Not Compensated, Pending, and Closed.

 - Not Compensated: Compensation request has not been posted yet.

 - Pending: Not all items are compensated and the request hasn't expired.

 - Closed: The compensation request has been removed from the system for a number of possible reasons:

 - Compensation Complete: A compensation request will be closed when all requested items have been provided.

 - Time Out: A compensation request lasts 72 hours and will be closed when it expires.

 - Rejected: The management of the corp can manually reject a compensation request.

 - Withdrawn The applicant has withdrawn the compensation request.

 - Quit: The applicant has left the corp.