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Solar System Infection

2019-07-02 04:59:58

Once in a while, several constellations in the universe will be infected by the Virus and fall into a virus crisis. The Great Council has requested players to head to those constellations and handle the abnormal situations.


How to Participate

Open the map and select "Infection Stage" in the bottom right, then choose a target solar system and a quest.


Mode Info

1. Infection and Virus Crisis

The infection of a system will grow gradually, up to 100%. When a system is infected, many Virus Crises will spawn (Virus Crises will replace Encounters). Whenever a player solves a Virus Crisis, the infection will decrease. You can accept and complete Virus Crises in the same way you deal with Encounters. Mind that these quests are more difficult to complete but also yields better rewards.


2. Final Battle

Once the infection drops to zero, the source of the infection—the Virus will be revealed. Any player could reach the coordinates of the Virus Core Warehouse and attack it.


The Virus Core Warehouse has no attack capability but very high Shield and Armor. Players need to join forces to destroy it.


While players are attacking the Virus Core Warehouse, some cargoes will drift into space. Players can interact with these cargoes to collect any items inside. When the Virus Core Warehouse is eventually destroyed, the large cargoes stored in its core area will drift into space. These cargoes usually contain more valuable items. Ships cannot move while picking up items in the cargoes so their allies need to protect them from hostile players.