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2019-07-02 06:38:53

  Corporations are one of the key gameplay element in Second Galaxy. By joining a corporation, you can not only share your experience with other players, but also unlock game modes that are only available for corp members.
Join a Corporation
  You must be at least Lv.6 to join an existing corp or create your own.
  Tap on "Join" to apply. Then you only need to wait for the approval.
Create a Corporation
  To create a new corp, you need to decide its name, alias, language, logo, and restrictions. After filling out the registration form, you only need to pay 100k Gala to have your own corporation.
Leave a Corporation
  If you want to leave a corp, open corp settings and tab on "Quit".
  You will no longer receive corp benefits once you've quit.
  A corporation may set its relationship towards other corps, alliances or individuals. To do so, open Diplomacy panel and first search for the target by name.
  Select a target and decide if you see it as Ally, Neutral, or Foe.
1、Your attitude towards a target will not affect their attitude towards you.
2、If you set a target as Ally, all corp members will automatically become Neutral or Ally towards it. However, members could manually set the target as Foe again.
3、When you set a target as Foe, all members will automatically become hostile to it.