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Scanner Quests

2019-07-02 07:45:29

Complete Scanner Quests to earn Galactic Point, Galatic Points, EXP, and random Supplies.


How to Participate

1. You must have a Directional Scanner to start any Scanner Quest. With the help of a Scanner, players are able to locate the sources of signals from objects such as Asteroid Belts, Pirate Hideouts, and Shipwrecks.

2. Install a Directional Scanner on your ship to use it while traveling across the universe. Activate the Scanner to detect unknown signal sources. Tap a signal source and warp towards the destination to track it.



1. Higher-leveled signals are harder to locate. Warping is only available when a signal source is successfully located. If the Scanner's Accuracy is too low, it may lead to a warp deviation. In that case, the signal will be lost.

2. The Activity Level of a solar system will affect the number of signals you may catch. But it is also possible that you won't find any signal sources in a highly active solar system.

3. Depends on the Scanner's type, you may detect different signal sources. For example, a Gravitational Wave Scanner can detect Rich Asteroid Belts. Mine those asteroid belts to harvest Ores that can be converted into Minerals in your Space Station.

4. There are 3 types of Scanners that match 3 types of signals respectively: Gravitational Wave Induction - Gravitational Signals; EM Wave Induction - EM Signals; Radiation Wave Induction - Radiation Signals.