Super-Useful Super-Rare Hero Guide



Silver Wolf

The quintessential Assassin, he can steal buffs when landing critical hits and boost his survival rate when at his most vulnerable, and can ignore Guard and deal unexpected and deadly damage to squishy heroes. Ruthless increases his crit damage, while Riposte increases his damage and crit chance. With the right bow, you’ll soon find out that this wolf’s bite is worse than his bark.

Weaknesses: Weak in the early game, Assassins find it difficult to get close to their targets, possessing inferior range to Mages (3 movement + 2 range vs. 3 movement + 3 range. This leads to them often being cut down before they get a chance to shine.




Emerick’s attack increases when he initiates combat, while his defense increases when he is attacked, and like Bernhardt, his passive debuffs nearby enemies. This wise knight is feared for his strategic cunning rather than his sheer strength, and when your movements are carefully coordinated with his passive, he can be said to be one of the tankiest knights in the game. Several of his active skills can help to deal with Lancers (ignoring Guard) or the damage and suppression effects of other soldier types, making him the ultimate strategic cavalryman.

Weaknesses: For a Cavalry hero, his burst damage is relatively weak. He can effectively suppress Infantry, but cannot deal devastating damage to enemy Mages and Archers. In addition, no matter how high a Cavalry unit’s defense is, it can’t compare to that of a true tank.





The most mobile Cavalry unit in the game, she can move up to 8 blocks while ignoring terrain. Her burst damage is very high, and after killing an enemy unit, she can move again and gain bonus attack and defense. When upgraded to Strike Master, she learns a skill that can knock the enemy’s Guard user out of the formation, making her a very powerful Cavalry hero worth upgrading.

Weaknesses: Sonya is relatively fragile, and if she can’t confirm a kill, there’s essentially no way for her to escape certain doom. When facing non-Infantry soldiers and heroes, she’s almost guaranteed to take heavy damage. Overall, the vast majority of her stats are focused on attack, and thus she is not the most versatile of heroes.





Known for her impressive counterattack skills, she’s one of the best tanks in the game before Lv.30. Her passive, combined with Barb and Guard can deal damage three times. After she gets Heavy Shield at Lv.45, her tankiness is still sufficient, and when equipped with the Hard Rock enchantment and paired with Dark Guards, she becomes like a deadly hedgehog. Try for yourself and you’ll see that a Freya with Dark Guards is a completely different hero to a Freya without Dark Guards.

Weaknesses: Freya has low magic defense, and from Lv.35-45 she’s not as tanky as Grenier or Vargas. She is easily nuked down by enemies and has minimal attack capability, so when she’s on low HP, her talent and passive skills become almost useless, and it’s hard for her Fusion Power to effectively support her allies.



As hard as a rock, Vargas is a powerful tank in every stage of the game and is one of the more reliable Guard users. His passive allows him to resurrect after dying and his high defense will grant him high attack in the later stages of the game. The higher his HP is, the tankier he’ll be. If Freya is a deadly hedgehog, Vargas is a stone turtle.

Weaknesses: The problem with being a pure tank is that Vargas has quite low damage. The innate stats of Lancers mean they are unable to deal very much damage to the enemy. When your Vargas has Guard available, your other heroes will have to do more damage to compensate for his inability to launch a powerful counterattack.




The advantages and disadvantages of this SR hero are obvious. Kirikaze is characterized by his high attack and burst damage, and his critical strikes grant HP recovery and cooldown reduction. Like all other heroes with the Air Slash skill, he can attack from range, and his Flash, combined with his talent and Mind’s Eye, mean that his chances of landing a critical hit are very high

Weaknesses: Kirikaze is an Infantry hero, and we already have Matthew as a viable option for this role. Even though he is a good SR hero and can also be upgraded to an Assassin class, his Assassin skills are not as good as his Infantry skills.





A top tier SR hero, Sophia is an excellent support healer, with an AoE magic defense buff that grants immunity to stun and effects that prevent you from being buffed. Her talent, combined with her Mass Heal and Rewind, can greatly improve her self-healing and cooldown reduction, and Rewind can also help her allies to deal maximum damage for 2 consecutive rounds. When working together with another healer in the Secret Realm, she can ensure that her whole party is fully healed each round.

Weaknesses: As a support healer, her support abilities are stronger than her healing capabilities, which are stifled by her low intelligence growth.



Chris, like Ledin, is an anti-Demon hero, and excels at battling the Ice Dragon in the Goddess Trial. Her talent buffs teammates, as well as herself, and her Valkyrie class has skills that deal damage while either healing her allies after battle or dispelling enemy buffs, making her a strong attack and support hero at the same time.

Weaknesses: Though she is a healer, she doesn’t have a reliable source of self-healing and has no clear advantages in battle, unless fighting Demons.




A Mage with 3 AoE skills, his talent can cause huge amounts of damage, and he has a range of debuffs up his sleeve. A god in the arena, Egbert is truly the master of debilitation.

Weaknesses: As his burst damage is quite low, he’s not very useful in PVE and is mainly used in the arena.



This extremely popular character is also extremely deadly, with the powerful Teleport, Thunder Storm, and Meteor skills at his command, and his talent steadily improving his damage. When you use his fire and thunder skills’ class priorities to deal bonus damage to your opponent’s soldiers, it leaves the enemy hero open to follow-up attacks. Also, Hein has his own Gate of Fate, so you can easily gather his Memory Shards.

Weaknesses: He doesn’t have any AoE skills until LV. 35, and his talent only reaches its full potential at high star levels.



One of the very best SR heroes, her Bishop path allows her to wield a passive AoE heal alongside the terrifying damage of a deadly Mage. Her Archmage’s Blizzard skill can be used to cripple enemy Lancers, and Thunder Storm, obtained after upgrading to Queen, can also be used to boost her damage output. Imelda receives a very strong group support skill before even reaching her ultimate class and her talent effects work very well to increase damage. The higher her star level, the higher her damage, as this frightening SR possesses a very high intelligence growth rate.

Weaknesses: None. She has it all: buffs, healing, AoE, you name it and Imelda’s got it covered. When it comes to SR heroes, Imelda is at the top of the pack.




One of the strongest Archers in the game, with above-average attack power and crit. Her amazing skill Aim allows her to reach targets up to 7 blocks away, and her passive can keep her agile while Aim cools down., She is as capable of kiting as a Flier unit, and in the later stages of the game, Narm is the perfect answer when your Lancers are taking too much damage from high magic defense, high attack Flier enemies.

Weaknesses: Narm’s magic defense is low and it’s quite easy for her to be seriously damaged by magic. In addition, Archers are weak to various classes, and when melee units get too close to them, they can be killed in seconds. That makes this role very demanding. What's more, her powerful skill Roundabout is completely wasted when on auto mode in the arena.




The first SR you encounter, joining your team during the tutorial, his talent helps him deal with Fliers (but Cavalry are another matter), he can help you to grab hidden chests at the start of the game, and he can use his Heavensguard soldiers to outstanding effect.

Weaknesses: His damage is low for a Flier, even though he has all the shortcomings of this unit type.