Want to dominate in the arena? These heroes just might give you the edge you need!

In Langrisser, the arena is divided into the World Arena and the regular Arena, and you’ll find that cooperation between specific heroes is much more important in the Arena than it is in PVE dungeons.



Leader of the Empire’s Dark Dragon Sorcerers in Langrisser II, Egbert returns in Langrisser Mobile as one of the most terrifying AoE Mages in the game.


And, yes Commanders, he is truly terrifying. Although, from a glance, his stats don’t seem particularly impressive, just take a look at his skills and you’ll soon realize what it is that makes him so scary.


Talent [Raging Inferno]

After actively dealing damage to an enemy, deals additional fixed damage once according to INT.




Acid Burns 

Attacks multiple enemy units in range, dealing 0.3x damage, and renders afflicted targets unable to be healed for 2 turns.




Attacks multiple enemy units in range, dealing 0.3x damage, and has a 50% chance to silence enemies for 2 turns.


No matter which faction you’re using in PVP, you’ll soon discover that Egbert is an indispensable control hero. As a powerful AoE Arena Mage, the way in which you use Egbert can be the difference between victory and defeat.


[Excellent Arena Performance]

With his AoE skills, plus additional damage from his talent, Egbert puts severe pressure on the enemy’s HP and prevents them from being healed for 2 turns, causing major problems for the enemy’s healer.

Egbert is also a real menace in the Stolen Treasure dungeon, massacring goblins with speed and efficiency. Give him the Magic or Clock enchants and hail to the AoE King!


He may look like a disheveled octogenarian Little Red Riding Hood, but he’s no slouch in the Arena – remember to bring him along and unleash his power on your fellow Commanders!



Today’s second featured hero is none other than Langrisser’s own “Captain Hook” – Lester!

Although Lester may be an R rarity hero, his unique skills should not be overlooked!

Being an R hero, it’s easy for him to reach 6 stars, further boosting his powerful talent.


Talent [Naval Expert]

ATK is increased when fighting in water.


This talent affects the entire unit, so Lester’s soldiers are also affected by it.

There are relatively few water-based Arena stages in the game, so you should make sure Lester has Water Control equipped. The ATK bonus granted by Lester’s talent does not conflict with any other ATK buffs.





Chain Hook

Pulls an enemy target to Lester and reduces their Mobility by 2 for 1 turn. This skill has a wide range of uses in battle. If an enemy refuses to come to you, just hook them and pull them in – they’ll be slowed and unable to get away! This skill is very useful for disrupting enemy formations.



Water Control

After using this skill, all passable terrains will be treated as Water for 2 turns and Lester will be able to move another 2 blocks and attack again. Lester can also use this skill when transferred to a Dragon Knight, and it enables him to activate his talent before attacking, ensuring that he’s no fish out of water, even when taking to the skies. Lester is an outstanding Aquatic hero who can circumvent guard skills and plunge enemy formations into disarray in the arena. This is not to say that Lester does not perform well in certain PVE stages, as he can also help in overcoming some of Langrisser’s most perplexing challenges, especially since his Chain Hook doesn’t attract enemy aggro when hooking units from outside the danger zone and works like a charm every time.


Although he is an R rarity hero, “Captain Hook” definitely deserves more recognition for his talent and skills, which are worthy of at least SR status, and his unique role in certain battles that cannot be matched by any other hero, using either Chain Hook or his Dragon Knight class’s Smash to disrupt enemy formations, lower enemy defense, and ignore guard effects. Take him along to the Arena and try out the true tactical potential of this legendary sailor.