Langrisser Half-Year Anniversary - Day 6

Dear Commander:

The Langrisser Half-Year Anniversary Event has been underway since July 18! With so many gifts up for grabs, make sure you don’t miss out!


Community Event - Phase 1 - Share for a Chance to Win Prizes!


[Event Time] -  07/19/2019 - 07/25/2019


[Event Location] Facebook Page (English)


[Event Rewards]

1. If this post is shared more than 400 times, we will draw 20 random names from [players who share this post], and each will get 5x Trinity Vouchers!


2. If this post is shared more than 600 times, we will draw 40 random names from [players who share this post], and each will get 10x Trinity Vouchers! In addition, every Commander across all servers will receive 1 Trinity Voucher! 


P.S.: Everyone who participates in this event will get Trinity Vouchers -- what are you waiting for?!


For more information, please head to our English language Facebook page!