[Happy 11th Langrisser Day! - January 20th] – FREE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE!

Dear Commanders,


Happy Langrisser Day!


In 2020, as in 2019, you’ll always be able to count on Langrisser Day!


First of all, we'd like to present you with Langrisser Day’s unique special gift — 2 Trinity Vouchers! Tap the "Claim Reward" button at the bottom of this article on the Info page to get yours!


And as always, we’d like to share our plans and ideas with you for the future of Langrisser in the New Year!


  1. New Crossover: Langrisser has held several crossover collaborations since its launch, such as Trails in Time FC, Trails in Time SC, and Sakura Wars, which have been well-received by you all. The latest crossover is almost here. We hope you’re looking forward to it!


  1. All-New Mentorship Event: In order to enrich Langrisser’s gameplay and increase the interaction between players, we are launching a new mutual aid event. As you work together with other players, your strength will inspire their growth, and vice versa! 2020 will be the year of hard work and co-operation!


Fate has taken us this far, and we still have a long road ahead of us... Let’s start the New Year as we mean to go on — full of passion and determination!