[Happy 17th Langrisser Day! – July 20th] – FREE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE!

Dear Commanders,

Happy Langrisser Day!

As always, your exclusive Langrisser Day benefits (2 Trinity Vouchers) are ready for you! Have you been looking forward to receiving your exclusive gift on the third Monday of each month?

In addition to your usual Trinity Voucher benefits, we also have some exclusive information for you all! Let's take a look!

  1. An all-new store will open for a limited-time! Snap up a range of new items while you can! Having problems gathering the soldier upgrade materials you need? Still can't reach the highest mastery levels? The new store will solve all your worries when it makes its debut after the next expansion update!
  2. A new crossover is coming! Two months have passed since the Record of Lodoss War crossover event came to an end, and Commanders across the land have been calling for new crossover heroes to make an appearance in El Sallia. Indeed, a new crossover is currently in production, and once it's ready, we will announce the launch date through our official channels. Watch this space!

Well, that is for this month's Langrisser Day. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, you know what to do!

P.S.: Don't forget to claim your gift!