Freya—From Despair to Glory

Dear Commanders,


Happy Langrisser Day! The new second anniversary Langrisser update launched on the 14th, and Freya, the rose born into adversity, blossomed with newfound life and ability. On this Langrisser Day, we'd like to tell you more about Freya's grand evolution!

When Freya was but a young maiden, she met Dieharte, and this classic tale of Princess and Knight seemed to have a romantic ending. At that time, her father, King Wilder, was gentle and kind, with a heart full of love. Under his rule, the people of Barral were happy and content.

However, Freya's destiny eventually dawned on her. One day, King Wilder fell down a cliff to save Freya during a hunt. After returning from this outing, his temperament changed greatly. He became cruel and bloodthirsty, and even forced Freya to lead an army to invade another country. Freya was forced to do battle with the National Army and fight against Dieharte over and over again.


In the end, Freya discovered that her father was being manipulated by the Demon Tribe's insect master, and had become a bloodthirsty tyrant as a result of an evil parasite implanted in his brain. In order to prevent darkness and chaos from enveloping the land, and to relieve her father from his misery, Freya and the National Army killed him. Freya did not have time to heal the pain in her heart, and resolutely joined the fight against the culprit behind this tragedy.


After the war, Princess Freya returned to the Kingdom of Barral to take the throne, and under her rule, the kingdom prospered. But Freya could not cast off the shackles of her tragic past.


Freya is a character draped in sadness. In her original story, her alternate ending was a desperate duel against Dieharte on the castle's bridge. She chose to jump and end her life, leaving only a sad and beautiful sentence behind, that if he should see the sun set upon the lake, he should think of her. Even her talent is named Sorrowful Choice, which reflects her painful and tragic life.


In the new second anniversary update, the thorned rose blossoms with unparalleled beauty. Freya, as one of the first heroes to undergo Hero Evolution, now receives her evolved form. In addition to unlocking new classes, a new talent, and an all-new look, her Bio will also receive an update. In her alternate story, Freya no longer heads to the throne alone, but instead becomes an eternal hero—a blossoming rose trusted by her peers and adored by all. After receiving the encouragement and support of her old friends Dieharte and Sophia, Freya has now become a shining beacon of confidence, and the guardian rose of her allies.


She has also received new changes to her skill design, and her new talent Blossoming Rose symbolizes her rebirth, breaking through the shackles of the past, and ushering in a new era of resolute determination. All you need to do is take part in the special in-game event to get Freya's evolution item for free, and then you too can unlock Freya's special evolved form.


Remember, Commander—this is not only the advent of Freya's rebirth, but also Langrisser's all-important second anniversary! As always, we've prepared a special gift for you this month! Don't forget to claim it! Even more wonderful events and gifts are waiting for you in the game! See you on the battlefield, Commander!