[Introducing Jessica's Most Irresistible Incarnation!]

Dear Commanders,


Happy Langrisser Day! The all-new major content update, Augury of Light, arrived on the shores of El Sallia on February 11th. For this month's Langrisser Day, we'd like to share some information with you about the new hero—the Light of Genesis!

Hero Biography - Light of Genesis

For thousands of years, this great mage, who has existed for eras due to her secret method of reincarnation, has always been an important figure in the maelstrom of conflict between Langrisser and Alhazard, fighting for the protection of the world.


She usually looks mature, gentle, and dignified, but in private, she is also childish, being fond of candy, recklessly brave, and often sleepy. It is only at these times that others can't help but sigh at the fact that the High Priestess before them is actually only a ten-year-old girl.

The Light of Genesis clutches her little mask fiercely, as she has engraved the names of her companions and the Goddess Lushiris into it for all time. As long as she possesses this item, she will never be alone.

All the heroes of the world have fought beside Jessica. They are her memories of her guardianship of the world, and she is the proof that they once battled in this world. However, these companions have left the world owing to various reasons, and Jessica, who possesses the secrets of reincarnation, has shed tears of mourning over her companions many times.


Among the threads of fate, Jessica's is particularly long. From the birth of Langrisser to its concealment and reappearance in the world, she has met and left behind all kinds of people, fighting alone for thousands of years. When bards tell their tales of heroes, they sing of Jessica journeying to the next battlefield. Occasionally, she recalls her companions, but she will journey until the end of time, and to the end of the world.

Guided by the Goddess, Jessica comes to a wonderful new world where all of her former companions have gathered together. There are even two other Jessicas here, and the Light of Genesis is ready to show them the extent of her unyielding rebelliousness. She is not sure how she'll face herself and her friends from the past, but with your encouragement, she's ready to fight side by side with you again, as if those ancient battles were only yesterday.


Well, that's our introduction to the Light of Genesis! Don't forget that the Augury of Light summoning banner is only available for a limited-time—we wish you the best of luck in summoning your favorite heroes! See you next time!