All-new Guild Event: Dimensional Expedition - First Look!

Greetings, Commanders! Happy Langrisser Day!

The new Dimensional Expedition PvE Guild event will be making its way to you in the next major update! For this month's Langrisser Day, we'll be taking a detailed look at this new mode. Are you ready?


[Event Overview]

The Dimensional Expedition is a six-week limited-time Guild event in which Guilds will be divided into four squads, each with its own Squad Leader.


The aim of this event is to capture cities and the capital by cooperating within your squad and with your Guild's other squads to earn Honor Points for your Guild.


[Unlocking Requirements]

Guild Leaders who have dominated Catastrophe level Guild Battles can start the Expedition Squad event at any time during the event period.


[Event Structure]

  1. Battle Map

The map is divided into three parts: the outer ring, the middle ring, and the capital, in ascending difficulty. There are six cities in the outer ring and six in the middle ring, and the capital counts as one city. Commanders must attack these cities ring by ring, and can complete the event after taking the capital.


  1. Cities and Strongholds

There are several normal strongholds and one boss stronghold in each city. After dominating the boss stronghold, you'll occupy the city.


Each stronghold has an enemy stronghold formation, the effects of which are similar to the Time Laws in the Timeless Trial. Commanders must be aware of the specific formation effects and attack accordingly to claim victory.


[Dimensional Formation]

When you dominate a stronghold, you'll get a special item called a Dimensional Formation.


There are currently four elemental Dimensional Formation effects (Fire, Water, Dark, Earth). Players can select one formation to use in each battle. When attacking enemies, elements will be applied to them. If elements are combined, a strong elemental reaction will take place! These elemental reactions can effectively counter the Stronghold Formation mentioned above, improving your combat efficiency and making each battle much easier.


Example: Two Fire Elements can produce a "Fire-Fire reaction", which can convert the enemy's healing received into damage. When encountering Stronghold Formations with strong recovery abilities (for example, the enemy recovers 30% of Max HP before battle), you can use the Fire Elemental Formation to counter this effect. By constantly triggering the Fire-Fire Reaction effect, this powerful Stronghold Formation will become the stronghold's weakness instead.


When teaming up, players can equip different Dimensional Formations to produce a range of diverse elemental reactions through coordinated teamwork, which will greatly accelerate each battle.


In addition, Squad Leaders can also upgrade their squad's Dimensional Formations, thereby boosting their effects! The outcome of the expedition is in your hands, Squad Leaders!



[Event Phases]


After the event begins, squads will enter the following three stages, in this order: the Squad Management Stage, Preparation Stage, and War Stage.


  1. Squad Management Stage

After the Guild Leader starts the event, the Guild will enter a two-day Squad Management Stage. During this period, the Guild Leader can carry out strategic planning and other operations. It is recommended that, during this period, you:

  •  Confirm your marching route. Confirm the domination route of each squad with Squad Leaders to prevent multiple squads from entering the same city, and triggering a siege attack penalty.


  • Assign Faction Blessings. Faction Blessings should be distributed according to the Dominant Faction and attack route of each team. If the Guild Leader doesn't choose Faction Blessings, they will be assigned randomly during the Squad Management Stage.



  •  Ensure Guild Member stability. Commanders are free to leave their Guild or squads as long as the event has not started, or is still in the Squad Management Stage. However, members who leave or join the Guild during the Preparation Stage or War Stage will not be able to take part in the expedition.


  1. Preparation Stage

The Preparation Stage (24 hours) is your final chance to prepare before battle begins. If your squad hasn't completed all of its preparations, the system will automatically complete them to ensure that the event can continue smoothly.


  1. War Stage

From the beginning of the War Stage to the end of the event, all of your Guild's squads must cooperate or fight independently on the event map to earn maximum Guild, squad, and individual rewards!


[Event Rewards]

Every time you complete a battle or dominate a city, you'll get Expedition Credits. The more enemies you kill, the more credits you'll get! Expedition Credits are used to improve your Expedition Rating. When you reach specified ratings, you'll get a certain number of Expedition Medals, which are similar to Guild Coins, and can be exchanged for amazing rewards, including Hein's evolution item[Hein's Heart of Desire]!



In the Dimensional Expedition Squad event, it is not only necessary for each Commander to deal with the individual stages they face—everyone also needs to think in terms of the Guild's overall strategy. Only through teamwork and cooperation can the best possible results be achieved, offering an all-new experience and opportunities for those taking part.


And with that, we hope you all enjoy the fun of working together with your allies to face the challenges of this new event!