Hot Topic—Dimensional Expedition Squad FAQ

[Happy 27th Langrisser Day! — June 21st]—FREE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE!


Greetings, Commanders! Happy Langrisser Day!

The Dimensional Expedition Squad event has been underway for two weeks now, and many of you must have undoubtedly experienced this exciting new gameplay mode. At the same time, some of you may have encountered certain obstacles while getting to grips with the rules of this new event. Therefore, we have compiled some of the more commonly-faced issues to provide you all with some comprehensive answers.



We have also collected some issues numerous Commanders are concerned about:


[Hot Topic Q&A]

Q1: Can we attack other cities after dominating the capital?

A1: After dominating the capital, other cities can be dominated. Also, cities that have been completely dominated cannot be attacked again.


Q2: What's the difference between the First Kill and Ranking positions?

A2: The first Guild to dominate a capital will earn the First Kill feat. The rankings are calculated according to the Guild's total amount of Magic Ore obtained.

The total amount of Magic Ore accumulated by a Guild is not simply the sum of the amount gained by its members. When teaming up, if the contribution of each player is added up, there will also be repeated calculations. Therefore, the actual total Guild Magic Ore obtained should be taken as the final figure to go by.


Q3: After dominating a stronghold, what happens when you obtain a Dimensional Formation you already have?

A3: When obtaining the same Dimensional Formation, the Dimensional Formation will be converted into Battlefield Supplies, which can be used to upgrade the Dimensional Formation.


Q4: Do you really have to form a team? Are ranking rewards important?

A4: We've tried to afford players a certain degree of freedom in this event. Even if you go through this whole event solo, you can still get Hein's Heart of Desire, Challenge Points, and lots of other rewards.

However, by teaming up, you can reduce the difficulty of each battle, save Hero Supplies, and enjoy a more fun gameplay experience through the elemental reactions of Dimensional Formations.

Ranking rewards are relatively small, but give Guilds a chance to analyze more marching routes and cooperation strategies, providing a sense of fun and achievement when coordinating your squads to obtain the best results possible.



And that's it for this month's Langrisser Day! As time and space intersect, let your expedition begin! Let us march toward the Capital together!