Dimensional Expedition Phase 2 Event Preview

Dear Commanders,
Since the last Dimensional Expedition event ended, we've received a whole load of opinions and suggestions from countless enthusiastic Commanders! The Legion of Glory thanks you all for your active participation!
In order provide you with an even more perfect and fun game experience, we've adjusted and optimized the next Dimensional Expedition event according to your combined opinions and suggestions, and have also added a substantial amount of interesting new content!
The second phase of the Dimensional Expedition event will begin after the maintenance and major content update on August 26th. Want to know what to expect in the next phase? Let's take a closer look right now!
[New Content]
1. New Guild Technology System
Starting from phase two of the event, a new Guild Technology system will be introduced to the Dimensional Expedition event. Guild Leaders and Vice Leaders can consume Magic Ore to level up technologies. Leveling up Guild Technologies will grant you corresponding bonus effects only active in the Dimensional Expedition event.
Note: As the Guild Technology system is a new feature, Magic Ore obtained by guilds during the last event will be cleared, but will not be cleared again from this event onward.
2. Additional Bonus Effects from Dominating Cities
After completely dominating a city, your guild will gain a Guild Bonus buff effect. This buff can be enjoyed by every single guild member!
For Example: If Expedition Squad 1 completely dominates the outer-ring cities of Salrath Plains, each guild member can obtain the corresponding buff effect ""Salrath Reinforcement"" (Soldier ATK of all guild members +30). Commanders can organize attack routes according to different city buff effects and their own military situation.
3. Gift Goblins Added to Event Stages
There's now a chance that "Gift Goblins" will appear at the beginning of each round in stages other than the capital's boss stage. Commanders will gain random combat buffs after successfully defeating these Goblins.
[Optimizations and Adjustments]
1. Shorter Event Stage Durations
The total duration of the event has been adjusted from 42 days to 21 days, and the duration of the Squad Management Stage and Preparation Stage has been adjusted from three days to two days. In addition, the total number of times all strongholds need to attack has been reduced correspondingly, and the levels of enemies in outer-ring and central-ring city strongholds has been greatly reduced, speeding up the event's rhythm, and shortening the battle cycle for all Commanders.
2. Increased Supply Boxes
The distribution of Supply Boxes has been adjusted from one Supply Box mail every Thursday to: One Logistics Supply Box privilege will be accumulated on days 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20 after the Dimensional Expedition event begins, and will be sent on days 18, 24, 36, 36, 36, and 36 after the Dimensional Expedition event begins.
3. Automatic Distribution of All Magic Ore After Capital Domination
After your guild finishes dominating the capital, any remaining cities that have not been dominated will be regarded as having surrendered, and their monsters' remaining Magic Ore will be sent directly to y our guild. City rewards of surrendered cities will still be sent to the guild and its Commanders. At the same time, all squads will be supplemented with one formation, to ensure that each squad has all types of formations at its disposal.
4. All Cities Can Be Attacked Again After Capital Domination
After the capital is dominated, Commanders will be able to attack any stronghold at will, and will no longer need to follow their squad into battle. Strongholds will contain enough monsters for Commanders to boost their Expedition Rating. All strongholds will still produce Expedition Credits and Battlefield Supplies, but they will not produce Magic Ore.
5. Ranking Reward Optimization
After the adjustments, rankings will be determined according to speed, with guild who manage to prioritize suppressing the capital obtaining greater rewards. Guilds who fail to dominate the capital will be ranked according to the amount of Magic Ore obtained during the event.
6. Guild-Squad Flow Optimization
After the event begins, Commanders who have participated in Dimensional Expedition battles will not be able to voluntarily quit or be kicked from their guilds.
If a player has not completed any Dimensional Expedition battles, they are free to change guild at any time.
Commanders only need to participate in one battle to claim stronghold, city, and ranking rewards.
7. Extra Guild Leader and Squad Leader Rewards
At 0:00 on the 7th, 14th, and 21st days of the event, mail will be sent to Guild Leaders and Expedition Squad Leaders of the War Stage containing 50 Trinity Crystals.
And so, those are the main adjustments we've added in the new phase of the Dimensional Expedition event! For a complete listing of the detailed rules, head to the event interface and view the instructions after the event begins. We hope you have fun cooperating and fighting side by side with your friends in the new phase of the event!
And finally, we'd once again like to wish you all the best on your journey through El Sallia! Don't forget to claim your Langrisser Day gift!