Langrisser Day No.41

Covenant 2.0 is coming!
Dear Commander,
Happy Langrisser Day!
The new update [Fury of the Dancing Sands] will be available after this Thursday's maintenance! The Covenant System has been updated, and the new gameplay [Ragnarok of the Realms] arrived! Commanders, this issue of Guardian Day will bring you all the valuable information about the new secret dungeon~
Travel through the ancient battlefield where the gods have fallen, and show the courage and wisdom of the heroes dwelling in the darkness! With a good lineup, you can break through the levels of the Twilight Realms, collect the Doom Emblems, get fantastic rewards, and unleash the forgotten divine powers!
[Light Meteor Eclipse]
Any commander who has reached level 65 in the Covenants can unlock this brand-new Secret Realm. The Ragnarok of the Realms has divided itself into multiple realms. After this update, the first Twilight Realm, [Light Meteor Eclipse] will be open.
Many commanders probably noticed the "Sacred Tree Blessing" in the upper left corner; its blessing effect can take effect on all heroes in this Light Meteor Eclipse~
Don't forget to check out the "Regional Intel Report"! Match the lineup according to the prompts and defeat the enemy BOSS!
[Reinforce Mechanic]
Powerful enemies guard the Ragnarok Realms, and even the mightiest heroes will need to rally and fight using their heroic spirits.
In this [Ragnarok of the Realms] Secret Realm Dungeon, a new "Reinforce" mechanic has been unlocked, adding several heroes to your rally area. They will be awaiting your call!
When the number of allies participating in the battle reaches its limit, you can use the "Switch Heros" function to replace the heroes in the rally area with the heroes on the battlefield. The replaced hero will rest in the rally area and can't return to the battlefield in the current round. If the battlefield's hero limit has not been reached, use "Reinforce" to allow the heroes in the rally area to be reinforced during deployment! You have to focus! Switching and reinforcing heroes will consume the number of enlistment chances available. When the number of uses is insufficient, or there are no heroes available in the rally area, their use will not be possible!
[Reward Mechanic]
After clearing the level, you can get "Doom Emblems"! Collect a certain amount of "Doom Emblems" to get the "Twilight Aurora" in Polaris Gift, and you will unlock the treasure chest with Prayers of Dawn, Morning Stars, and Pole Star Meteorite Crystals - 24 Hours used to unleash the forgotten divine powers!
After collecting a certain amount of "Doom Emblems," you can also receive a weekly Relic of the Gods Reward, which includes the Prayers of Dawn and Morning Stars.
The Prayers of Dawn and Morning Stars can be used for the cultivation of Covenants, enhancing the attributes of heroes and troops, and providing heroes with special battlefield effects!
Check this new issue of the Langrisser Day! After the update on August 18th, the new secret dungeon [Ragnarok of the Realms] will be available, and Covenant 2.0 will officially launch! We will see you this Thursday~
Remember to click the button below to receive the Langrisser Day Gift prepared by the Legion of Glory! See you on our next Langrisser Day~