Langrisser Day No.44

 Dear Commander,

Happy Langrisser Day!
True greatness relies not on one's allegiance to the Light or to Chaos, but on one's own might! The new "Rules of Casting" upgrade system has arrived! Before we explain this exciting new gameplay feature, the Legion of Glory would like to remind you all that this function requires you to reach Lv. 55! So, those of you who haven't reached Lv. 55—keep on leveling up!
Rules of Casting
After unlocking "Rules of Casting," Commanders who have reached Lv. 55 can access the Casting Pattern System from the hero equipment interface!
After entering the Casting Pattern interface, you'll see icons for your heroes' 4 equipment slots. Consume the corresponding Casting Pattern Materials to upgrade an equipment's Casting Pattern and unlock new possibilities for your heroes' equipment!
Casting Pattern Materials
Casting Pattern Materials are obtained from the new Secret Realm Dungeon, "The Way of the Law." There are 14 types of Casting Materials, following the various equipment types in the game. Among these various types, there is only one kind of Casting Pattern for Accessories.
The Casting Patterns for Weapons, Armor, and Headgear are as follows:
Weapons: Swords, Knives, Staffs, Spears, Bows, Hammers, Axes;
Armor: Light Armor, Cloth Armor, Heavy Armor;
Headgear: Cloth Hats, Light Helmets, Heavy Helmets.
The materials a hero needs to consume to upgrade a Casting Pattern depend on the type of equipment the hero can wear.
*Note: Some heroes can use two types of weapons. For example, Emilia can use an axe and a spear to have two weapon patterns simultaneously—the spear's pattern and the axe's pattern.
[The total materials consumed and benefits are consistent with those of a single-weapon hero.]
After a Casting Pattern is upgraded, the hero's attributes will be improved!
Naturally, in addition to the improvement of hero attributes, through the Casting System, you can also unlock exclusive new skills for some heroes! These skills do not consume regular Cost points. After unlocking them, they can take effect on the battlefield without you having to equip them.
Unlocking Casting Skills
Skill Unlocking Conditions: All Casting Patterns have reached Lv. 5. Hero's exclusive equipment has been obtained. The hero has reached 6 Stars.
Required Consumable Materials: Brilliant Ribbon x12
You can obtain Brilliant Ribbons from the final trials of the S-rank and SSSS-rank "Timeless Trials."
After the first update, Casting Skills can be unlocked for the following heroes: Almeda, Rachel, Emilia, and Suzette.
The Way of the Laws
Commanders can obtain Casting Pattern materials from the Secret Realm dungeon—"The Way of the Laws"!
In the interface, we can see that "The Way of the Laws" contains various stages, and each has four difficulty levels: Lv. 55, Lv. 60, Lv. 65, and Lv. 70.
Stages with different equipment types will become available every day. Casting Pattern Materials for different slots will drop on certain days. Note that Accessory-type Casting Pattern Materials will drop in all stages of Lv. 60 and above.
Take a look at the lineup management section of the interface! When "The Way of Laws" first opens, the current information and attributes of all your heroes, soldiers, and equipment will be registered.
After the initial registration, when a hero's class, skill, soldiers, or equipment are replaced on the main interface, these modification will not be updated in the lineup. However, when equipment, heroes, or soldiers are upgraded or change skins, or undergo any change that affects their attributes and appearance, these changes will be updated in the lineup.
Hero Deployment
The stages in "The Way of the Laws" have different equipment types. In each stage's lineup management interface, only obtained heroes that can use the corresponding stage's equipment will be displayed.
For example, in the stage where the Light Armor Casting Pattern is dropped, only heroes that can equip Light Armor can be used. Suppose a hero cannot equip Light Armor with their current class but can equip it after changing class—you can directly transfer to that class from the lineup management interface without switching to the main interface!
*Note: Class transfers made in the lineup management interface will not affect a hero's class status on the main interface!
And those are the basics of the new upgrade system, "Rules of Casting," and the new Secret Realm Dungeon—"The Way of the Laws"! After the next major update is completed, you can experience this new mode in the Secret Realm!
See you on our next Langrisser Day, Commander!