Langrisser Day No. 60

Greetings, Commanders!
Happy Langrisser Day!
Many stages have already ben unlocked in the "The Return: Foggy Night of Doom" Secret Realm event!
Have you already caught the true culprit behind this violent mystery?
If you haven't reached that point yet, don't worry!
Here's a quick look at the story so far! Spoilers incoming!
Tragedy Theater's Night of Violence
Misty City sits on the cutting edge of science, boasting advanced technology and highly-developed industries, but one night, a violent confrontation breaks out in one of the city's theaters...
This incident catches the attention of a passing journalist... He learns from a newsboy that a mysterious detective who disappeared three years ago reappeared at the crime scene that night.
After confirming the authenticity of this report, the journalist requests a list of Tragedy Theater's performances from that night, determined to uncover the truth...
Serial Killings?
The journalist's first interview is with a soprano singer. After a brief conversation, the journalist learns from her that after she heard a gunshot...
The conversation is interrupted by another singer who refuses to give the journalist an interview. Before leaving, the journalist finds a strange teddy bear on a nearby chair that seems to double as a recording device...
Shortly after the journalist leaves, the female singer dies at the hand of an unknown assailant... Staring at the incomplete mark on the singer's body, this unknown assailant murmurs something to themselves...
Afterward, the journalist visits the Sword Demon and Wing Demon who are masters of Eastern ninjutsu. It is then revealed that the Wing Demon is obsessed with a certain mysterious script...
The Sword Demon and Wing Demon reach a consensus, deciding to engage in their final collaboration, but who could have known that the Sword Demon would take this opportunity to plunge a treacherous blade into the Winged Demon's chest...?
The final witness is a magician. He reveals to the journalist the fact that the detective has died.
After their conversation comes to an end, it is time for the magician to perform on stage. Shockingly, once the performance comes to an end and the flames are extinguished, the magician collapses in the center of the stage and stops breathing.
The magician's sudden death scares away the audience. The journalist walks straight over to the magician's bookshelf and pulls out the magician's notes...
Identity Swap
After the interview, the journalist rushes back to Tragedy Theater. The body of the detective found in the director's office wasn't really the detective—it was the director of Tragedy Theater... At this moment, a low and mysterious tone recites the lines of a script...
The director, who should be dead, stands before the journalist... The two face off, questioning each other's identity...
The true culprit behind this spree of mayhem is in fact the journalist. As for his true identity, he is the right hand of the notorious criminal genius Professor M, and his mission is to seize the professor's relics from the director—a secret script that contains an evil summoning ceremony...
Before the journalist makes his move, the dead witnesses suddenly appear on the stage... It was all a clever ruse orchestrated by the detective to reveal the journalist's true intentions.
The journalist perishes, and the Misty City police arrive. The case seems to be pretty much closed... but, the detective still has some suspicions about the mysterious terminology in the journalist's notes...
The Nightmare is Not Yet Over...
As the case comes to a temporary close, an officer hands over the Tragedy Theater director's autopsy report to the detective. Interestingly, a strange mark was found on the director's body, which seems to coincide with the one found on the soprano... The two immediately go to the journalist's residence, hoping to find some clues.
In the journalist's room, they find the secret script forged by the detective. Lost in thought, the detective thinks back to the violent scene of that night...
If the journalist was the one who fired the gun, why was he so eager to know who the true victim was that night? Unless someone else fired the gun, that is...
The detective is still mulling over the possibilities when the officer interrupts him. It turns out that today is the day of the Tragedy Theater's reopening, and a performance is about to begin.
But they never imagined that this performance would be the end of the nightmare..
Watch your step, Commander...
Pay attention to clues unlocked throughout the story...
When future stages unlock...
Perhaps your investigation will lead to a different ending...
The truth is—there's more than one!
Those of you who hates spoilers can open your eyes now—that's all we have to share with you about this Secret Realm event's gripping story for now!
We hope you have fun uncovering the mystery!