Game-changing Secrets That 90% of Commanders Don’t Know!


Secret 1: Calculating Unit Mobility


Unit (formerly known as Troop) = Hero + Soldiers

A unit’s Mobility is limited by its lowest Mobility value.


Therefore, you should not only look at stats when selecting soldiers, but also their movement capability. Avoid assigning a highly-mobile hero with slow and heavy soldiers, or your chances of victory may very well disappear along with your mobility advantage.



For example, Altemuller's mobility is 5.



The mobility of Vampire Bats is 5 and Vanguard Lancers have a mobility of 3. Thus Altemuller’s mobility will remain 5 if he uses Vampire Bats, but will decrease to 3 if he uses Vanguard Lancers.


Secret 2: The Secrets of Guard

Guard is a common skill type in Langrisser that allows the caster to protect their allies, taking damage in their place when they are attacked. Using Guard at the right time can effectively protect your more fragile teammates.



But Guard isn’t completely infallible, as it can only guard against physical attacks, and cannot guard against magic attacks. When the enemy’s most dangerous characters are being guarded, trying throwing a fireball at them!


Also, when your defending unit guards an ally, the terrain bonus of the guarded ally’s location is factored into the attack.


Secret 3: Soldier and Hero Class Priority

The heroes of Langrisser all have different class types. For example, Elwin's Hero class is an Infantry class type and Leon's Royal Knight class is Cavalry. According to the class priority system, Leon should gain a significant boost when attacking Elwin.

But what happens when Elwin is using Lancer soldiers?

So, which is more important – soldier priority or hero priority?



When Leon and his Cavalry soldiers attack Elwin and his Lancers…



Leon’s soldiers are obliterated…



The “Strong” and “Weak” indicators you see in battle are also based on soldiers!


Basic Explanation


In battle, heroes are positioned at the rear, while soldiers are on the frontline.

The normal order of battle is that soldiers will be attacked first, and then hero.


(Bear in mind that some heroes and skills can break this rule…)