New Hero: Jugler - SSR

[Hero Intro]

Returning from Langrisser III, the holy beast who guards the Western Lushiris Gate – SSR Hero Jugler! Jugler can transform into seven different mythical beasts, each with its own unique role on the battlefield, and each providing invaluable support to his teammates.



Sacred Beast Sanctuary: When moving, all passable terrain is considered as "Plains". Hero takes (1%, 1.5%, 2%, 3%) less damage depending on the number of soldiers lost. Heals other friendly units after taking damage. (Recovered HP is equal to 10%, 15%, 20%, 30% of Jugler's Unit HP.) 


[Initial Skill]

Sacred Beast Aegis: [Passive] Takes all damage for adjacent friendly units. When attacked, there is a 30% chance to dispel 1 buff effect from the enemy before battle. 


[Class Upgrades]

Cerberus, Behemoth - Scylla, Hydra – Tiamat, Bahamut



Lizardman/ Hell Hound/ Undead Knight/ Gargoyle/Cyclops