New Heroes - Gizarof, Wiler, and Serena

SSR Hero - Gizarof: Langrisser IV’s Marshal of the Regenburg Federation, possessing great strength, ambition, and knowledge. He establishes his own magic laboratory, and creates artificial fighters with enhanced intelligence and special abilities. At the end of the war, Gizarof is defeated by Landius and his party.


[Factions]: Dark Reincarnation, Mythical Realm


[Final Class]: Magic Marshal/Mad Scientist


SSR Hero - Wiler: Admiral of the Kingdom of Caconsis in Langrisser IV. Physical combat is not his strong suit, but he is excellent at strategy and very insightful. He often comes up with seemingly ridiculous, but operationally effective plans.


[Factions]: Strategic Masters, Yeless Legends


[Final Class]: Tactician/Prophet


SR Hero - Serena: General of the Kingdom of Caconsis in Langrisser IV. She repeatedly endangers her own life in order to save the princesses and her beloved Admiral Wiler. She is not as good at expressing her feelings as other people, but she hopes that Wiler will one day acknowledge her progress.


[Factions]: Strategic Masters, Yeless Legends


[Final Class]: Royal Vanguard