New Heroes - Sakura Shinguji, Sumire Kanzaki, Iris Chateaubriand, and Angelica!

SSR Hero - Sakura Shinguji:

[Teikoku Kagekidan - Flower Division] member and inheritor of Hokushin Itto Ryu, she has the power to cleanse evil. A brave and passionate young woman, whose mission is to destroy all evil and fight for justice.


[Faction]: Protagonists, Empire's Honor, Heroes of Time

[Final Class]: Evilslayer/Sakura Koubu


SSR Hero - Sumire Kanzaki:

[Teikoku Kagekidan - Flower Division] member and heiress to Kanzaki Heavy Industries, she is the top star of the Flower Division. Although her personality often clashes with those of her division mates, she cares about them deeply, and always dedicates herself to protecting them with the full extent of her ability.


[Faction]: Protagonists, Empire's Honor, Heroes of Time

[Final Class]: Kanzaki Fujin-ryu/Sumire Koubu


SR Hero - Iris:

[Teikoku Kagekidan - Flower Division] member and the only daughter of a rich and noble French family. She is the youngest member of the team, but has the strongest spiritual power. However, she is unable to fully control her unstable potential. After exhibiting her unique skills and powerful spiritual abilities in battle, she gained the recognition of her companions.


[Faction]: Protagonists, Empire's Honor, Heroes of Time

[Final Class]: Esper/Iris Koubu


SR Hero - Angelica:

The Swordsmith Legion’s first companion, and an apprentice of the great magician Jessica. A student of Magical Engineering, she often comes up with incredible inventions.


[Faction]: Legion of Glory, Heroes of Time

[Final Class]: Creator