New Heroes - Shilinka & Ilucia

SSR Hero - Shilinka: The last descendant of the Crimzonian priesthood, raised on the Red Moon, Crimzo. A childhood friend of Rainforce, their hearts eventually became forever entwined. In the heat of battle, she was possessed by Chaos and defeated by Rainforce, falling into the clutches of evil and becoming a prisoner of darkness.

— [Factions]: Meteor Strike, Mythical Realm

— [Final Class]: Sword Saint / Wings of Annihilation


SSR Hero - Ilucia: As the Regent of Caconsis, she is responsible for guarding the peace of the Kingdom. However, ten years ago, she was betrayed by her lover, Vincent, which led to the destruction of her home and the fall of the royal family. Now, claiming vengeance on her enemies is Ilucia's only objective in life.

— [Factions]: Legion of Glory, Strategic Masters

— [Final Class]: Serpent Master / Royal Vanguard