New Heroes - Rozenciel and Clotaire

SSR Hero - Rozenciel: Former Princess of the Regenburg Federation and noble Queen of the Regenburg Empire, she firmly believes that change can bring hope, and adheres to her tenacious will to carefully protect the legacy of the nation left to her by her father and brother, as fragile as a shattered crystal.

— [Factions]: Empire's Honor, Princess Alliance, Mythical Realm

— [Final Class]: Radiant Maiden/Crystal Empress

SSR Hero - Clotaire: One of the Regenburg Empire's four generals and a close confidant of Queen Rozenciel, he leads the Immolation Crystal Marshals with a flaming blade and uses the power of fire to destroy his enemies. He appears cold and stern, but under this unapproachable appearance lies boundless loyalty to the Queen and the Empire.

— [Factions]: Empire's Honor, Strategic Masters

— [Final Class]: Infernal Blade Commander/Immolation Crystal Marshal