New Heroes Elma and Kertesz

SSR Hero- Elma
She is a bishop of Lushiris and a reliable reserved force of the Vigilantes. The girl is positive, resolute, kind, and responsible. She grew up with Ares and she is also his important companion and guardian. 
Under the guidance of Goddess Lushiris, Elma keeps fulfilling her duty in a unique style and attitude. She also tries her best to protect her important companions. 
[Factions]: Protagonists, Legion of Glory, Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei
— [Final Class]: Martyr/Oracle
SSR Hero- Kertesz
He is polite, cold, and mysterious. As a famous artist from the Gresden Empire, Kertesz has incredible painting skills and a wonderful collection of artworks. Although the nobles all want to invite this legendary painter to paint for them, what they really seek is more than his work. 
This painter always keeps a gentle smile on his face, however, there is a secret behind it. Only a few people know that he longs for blood and is obsessed with bringing out people's dark desires...
[Factions]: Dark Reincarnation, Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei
— [Final Class]: Wizard/Oblivion Demonlord