New Heroes Lovina Emperor and Ark Saintess

SSR Hero-Lovina Emperor:
After a showdown with the false king Autokrato, Ares Lovina, the young leader of the Vigilantes, has finally regained his rightful throne. The Elysium Strategy has no end, and the endless battle continues, but he is determined to endure it all.
 --[Factions]: Protagonists, Strategic Masters, Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei
 --[Final Class]: Emperor/Knight Lord of Conquest
SSR Hero-Ark Saintess:
The darkness continued to unravel; although the Ark was ready, the darkness in Licorice's heart grew in power, enough for Bozel to take over. However, by focusing on the voice of her best friends, Licorice learned how to face her dark powers. The Ark finally set sail, and because of her light and dark powers, Licorice became the saint of the church of the Ark.
 --[Factions]: Protagonists, Princess Alliance, Mythical Realm
 --[Final Class]: Wizard/Messenger of Light