PvP Combat



PvP is an important feature in Second Galaxy.


There are many rules for PvP, and there are many mechanics that help you in PvP. This article will give you some details about them.


Security status


The security status of a solar system determines whether PvP is legal. There are three kinds of security status: high security, low security, and lawless.


In high-security solar systems, you cannot attack other players.

In low-security solar systems, you become an criminal once you attack another player for no reason. These illegal actions also brings the police.

In lawless solar systems, you are allowed to attack other players without being punished.


High-security solar systems and lawless solar systems are like regulated spaces and chaotic spaces respectively.


Battle tags


There are four important battle tags. They help you better learn about the rules for PvP in low-security solar systems.


In low-security solar systems, if you attack other players or interfere with others' ships, you receive the Illicit Action tag and you are chased by the police in high-security and low-security solar systems.


In low-security solar systems, if you use devices to recharge or enhance a player who has the Illicit Action tag, you also receive the Illicit Action tag.


In low-security solar systems, if you attack a player who has the Illicit Action tag, you are not be chased by the police and you receive the Justice tag. In addition, if you have the Illicit Action tag and you attack a player who has the Justice tag, your criminal level doesn't change.


If you carry contraband, you receive the Contrabands Carried tag. Customs officers attack you at stargates, but the police doesn't attack you. Notably, it is not legal to attack a player who has the Contrabands Carried tag and doesn't have the Illicit Action tag.


Once you attack another player, you get the Access Restricted tag. You cannot pass through stargates or enter space stations when you have the Access Restricted tag.


Criminal level


The criminal level of a player shows how dangerous the player is. When you attack other players in low-security solar systems, your criminal level goes up. When you destroy another player's ship, your criminal level increases significantly. You can decrease your criminal level by completing encounter quests.


When your criminal level is 1 or more, you receive the Misdemeanor tag. Other players are able to see the Misdemeanor tag you have in their Overview. When your criminal level is 5 or more, you receive the Felon tag. In this case, other players can attack you legally.


If you attack a player who has the Felon tag, you receive the Justice tag. But if you support a player who has the Felon tag, you receive the Illicit Action tag.


Raid probes


Raid probes can help you detect other players and Recruits. You can use your raid probes on the map.


You get 1 probe every 2 hours, and you can hold up to 24 raid probes. You can choose any type of ship to make a raid on another player (or Recruit). Notably, making a raid on Recruits does not bring the police.


Warp protection


Warp protection is designed to protection players who enable Autopilot. After your leave a space station, pass through a stargate, or stop from a warp, you will be protected for 15 seconds.


Considering the network slowdown, you only have about 5 seconds to choose the next destination, or you might be caught by other players.


Shot down history


Shot down history in your pilot profile contains the details including ships on both sides and where the combat took place.


You can share the shot down details. If you have joined a Corp, you can tap the destroy ship and apply for compensation in the shot down details.




There are many rules for PvP, and there are many mechanics that help you in PvP. The security status of a solar system determines whether PvP is legal. PvP tags determine how the police acts. The criminal level shows how dangerous a player is, and a player who has high criminal level cannot pass through stargates or enter spaca station. Raid probes help you make raids on other players and Recruits. Shot down history saves all details about shot down events.