Corp facilities

Corp facilities


Your corp can unfurl facilities in solar systems. Corp facilities include SS bases, refineries, assembly centers, watchtowers, ships, trade ports, jump portal generators, and jump portal inhibitors. Your corp can manage those facilities in the same screen.




After your corp conquers a solar system, your corp can unfurl corp facilities there. You can open the map of the solar system through the Sovereignty feature.


The first solar system your corp conquered is displayed when the map shows. T check other solar systems your corp conquered, tap the icon in the upper left corner.


Development level


The development level of a solar system determines the highest level of facilities your corp can unfurl in this solar system.


There are five development levels. The development level determines the shield and armor of facilities in the solar system. In other words, the difficulty of sovereignty war is affected by the development level.


Meanwhile, the development level limits the facilities your corp can unfurl in the solar system. If you want to upgrade your facilities, you must make sure the solar system has the proper development level.


Completing corp quests raises the development level. Read the other article for more information about corp quests. Notably, once you take the sovereignty of a solar system, its development level decreases by 1, vice versa.


Unfurl facilities


You must unfurl a SS base before unfurling other facilities. Similarly, you must upgrade your SS base before upgrading other facilities.


When you take the sovereignty of a solar system from savages, you only have the option to unfurl an SS base. When the SS base is unfurled, you can unfurl other facilities.


Unfurling a facility takes some time. You can check the remaining time on the map. Note that you cannot stop the unfurl process after it begins.


Facilities are invincible while being unfurled. Other corporations cannot attack a facilitiy that is being unfurled.


Upgrade facilities


You can upgrade a facility when its level is lower than the level of the SS base. You can upgrade an SS base when is level is lower than the development level of the solar system. High level facilities have improved armor and shield. Some facilities have advanced functions at high levels


Upgrading the SS base provides more rewards in encounter quests and dispatch quests.

Upgrading the refinery increases the mining yield per hour.

Upgrading the assembly center accelerates corp production.

Upgrading the watchtower increases its tracking accuracy and the number of targets that can be detected.

Upgrading the shipyard provides more capital hangars.

Upgrading the trade port enhances the transporter's armor and loading capacity.

Upgrading the jump portal generator increases its max range.

Upgrading the jump portal inhibitor increases its effective time.


You must upgrade the SS base before upgrading other facilities. In other word. The level of facilities other than the base cannot be greater than the level of the SS base. The process of upgrading a facility is similar to unfurling the facility.


Upgrading facilities also takes some time, and facilities are invincible when being upgraded.


Retrieve facilities


Sometimes you Corp need to retrieve the facilities in a solar system. Your crop receives all levels of facility cores after the facility is retrieved. Retrieving a facility takes a long time. if the facility is attacked when being retrieved, the process is canceled.


Note that you must fulfill some preconditions before retrieving some kinds of facilities. For example, you must package all capital ship before retrieving the shipyard; an assembly center cannot be retrieved when corp production is in progress; an active jump portal inhibitor cannot be retrieved.




Corp facilities must be unfurled to take effect. To unfurl facilities, your corp must take the sovereignty of a solar system and unfurl an SS base there.


Complete corp quests to raise a solar system's development level. A solar system of higher level is more difficult to be conquered, and your corp can unfurl facilities of higher level in this solar system.


Your corp can retrieve corp facilities before retreating from a solar system. A facility is not invincible when being retrieved. When it's attacked, the retrieve process is canceled.