War Stages

War Stages


There are currently slight differences in the war stages between the 2 types of wars in the game, but the main stages remain the same: Militarized, Battle, Ceasefire, and Showdown. Militarized and Battle stages belong to the first half of war, and Ceasefire and Showdown stages belong to the second half of war. The invader needs to win both halves to win the war, while the defender only needs to win either half.


Times of War


Times of war refer to the actual start times of the first and second halves of war. The time of first half is decided by the invader. The invader can declare an attack target any time, and the first half starts in 3 hours after the declaration.


The time of second half is decided by the defender. The defender can change the rough Showdown time in Corp settings, but the change will only be effective if it was made before the war was declared.


Declaration Stage


War declaration is made in the sovereignty map. First locate the solar system where the war is about to start, enter its sovereignty map. The "Warfare" button on the left is for sovereignty war declaration, the "Attack" buttons under each Corp facilities on the right are for wars against facilities.


After tapping the "Warfare" button, there will be a Sovereignty War panel showing tutorials of each stage and the rewarded Corp Pts after winning.


Note that there will be maintenance fee when the Corp holds too many solar systems. This maintenance fee is not actually deducted from the Corp's account, but affects the production of refineries and daily sovereignty Corp Pts. Players can check the current held solar systems and maintenance condition in the front page of Corp panel.


After all is confirmed, tap the "Declare War" button to finish a declaration after paying a fee.


Militarized Stage


Militarized stage is a countdown duration lasts for 3 hours, which starts ticking at the moment of war declaration. Since the time of first half is decided by the invader, this stage is there for the defender to get prepared.


After entering this stage, there will be structures of the invader anchoring near the target of war. This process is automatic and those structures cannot be attacked before Battle stage.


Battle Stage


Battle stage is the when the first battle between invader and defender happens. The actual rules differ a little depending on the target of war.


For sovereignty wars, there will be a battleground near the each of the 3 Hub Defense Towers in the solar system. For each battleground, there will be a Defense Tower Attacker anchoring beyond 150km from the Hub Defense Tower. The invader's goal is to reduce the shield of 2 of the 3 Hub Defense Towers to zero. The defender's goal is to destroy 2 of the 3 Defense Tower Attackers.


For facility wars, the rules are simpler: There will be only one Defense Tower Attacker anchoring beyond 150km from the defender's facility.


When the Battle stage is done, if the defender triumphed, the war ends and the defender's structure or facility gets fully repaired. If the invader triumphed, the war goes into Ceasefire stage.


Ceasefire Stage


Ceasefire stage is a countdown duration lasts between 24 hours and 48 hours. When entering Ceasefire stage, the server will decide the time of second half based on the Showdown time settings of the defender with an offset. The offset from the set time will be within 30 minutes for sovereignty wars and within 60 minutes for facility wars. The start time of second half will be at that time but at least 24 hours after Ceasefire starts.


In Ceasefire stage, both the Hub Defense Towers and the Defense Tower Attackers are not attackable. But there are no limit on other PVP actions and losses from those actions in this stage will be in the War Report as well.


Showdown Stage


Showdown stage is when the second battle between the invader and the defender happens, it has the same rules with that of the Battle stage.


When Showdown stage is done, if the defender triumphed, the war ends and the defender's structure or facility gets fully repaired. If the invader triumphed and it's sovereignty war, the war goes into Power Struggle stage.


Power Struggle Stage


Power Struggle stage is relatively chaotic. For in this stage, the Central Control Hub of the solar system is interactable, and any Corp except for the defender can try to interact with it in order to take the control of the solar system.


The whole interaction process takes 3 minutes. If the ship started the interaction goes into invisibility, warps out or gets attacked, the process will be interrupted. The Power Struggle stage lasts up to 30 minutes. If nobody successfully finished the interaction process in this period, the solar system's sovereignty goes to the invader.


Once the sovereignty is changed, the development level of this solar system decreases by 1. And the solar system goes into the Peace stage for 24 hours, when no one can declare a war against it.


War Report


War Report is the report to track and statistically summarize the ongoing or finished war. In this report, players can check the solar system, start time, finish time, defender and invader Corps, participating Corps, kills, losses, and a leaderboard.


War Report is automatically generated in Militarized stage and updated throughout the war. It will be saved in the Sovereignty tab of Corp panel so players can check or share it in chat channels any time.