War Preparation

War Preparation


War is the most significant activity in the game. It's also the only way to change the sovereignty holder of a solar system. Compared to other activities, war has relatively complicated rules and multiple stages, involves a great investment of human and material resources, and potentially contains huge risks. For that, there are two guides covering the overview and its stages, respectively.


War Targets


Selecting the target is the most important part before starting a war. There are two kinds of targets: solar systems and Corp facilities. Selecting a solar system as the target means the Corp will take the solar system's sovereignty if they win. Selecting a Corp facility means the target will be destroyed if the war is won.


Generally speaking, the purpose of starting a war for a Corp facility is to weaken the advantages of the defender in a solar system. For instance, destroying the watchtower will deprive the defender's scanning ability, destroying the jump portal generator will cut off the reinforcement, destroying the jump portal inhibitor will enable invader's capital ships to jump into specific positions of the solar system.


The motives of starting a sovereignty war are usually either the solar system is in an important strategic position or it produces high value Corp minerals. There is a relation between producible Corp minerals and the solar system's prosperity level:


Solar systems with prosperity level of 49 can produce 2 of the 4 Rank 5 Corp minerals.

Solar systems with prosperity level of 47 can produce 2 of the 4 Rank 4 Corp minerals.

Solar systems with prosperity level of 44 can produce 2 of the 3 Rank 3 Corp minerals.

Solar systems with prosperity level of 41 can produce 2 of the 3 Rank 2 Corp minerals.

Solar systems with prosperity level of 38 or lower can produce the Rank 1 Corp mineral.


Having the ability to produce high Rank Corp minerals doesn't just mean wealth, but also political leverage. This is because in Corp Business, whether to sell minerals to a certain Corp depends on the owner of the minerals. To prevent all the contestable solar systems to be taken in a very short time after the game opens service, they are initially held by savages, and only by beating the savages can a Corp take the sovereignty of a particular solar system from them.


War against Savages


All the contestable solar systems are initially held by savages until a Corp defeats them and takes the sovereignty. The difficulty of savages varies based on the prosperity of solar systems. The recommended preparations for wars against savages are:


For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 26, use at least T1R2 attachments and bring at least 15 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 31, use at least T1R3 attachments and bring at least 20 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 35, use at least T1R4 attachments and bring at least 25 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 38, use at least T1R4 attachments and bring at least 30 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 41, use at least T2R1 attachments and bring at least 40 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 44, use at least T2R2 attachments and bring at least 40 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 47, use at least T2R4 attachments and bring at least 40 players for the battle.

For wars against savages in solar systems with prosperity level of 49, use at least T3R1 attachments and bring at least 40 players for the battle.


Wars against savages have exactly the same stages with wars between Corps, so it's essentially a preview for normal sovereignty wars. Detail about war stages can be found in the "War Stages" guide.


Gathering for War


Choosing a place for gathering before a war is something to be considered along with the war targets. Because the space stations of all the contestable solar systems only allow access to allies of the sovereignty holders. So players can't simply relocate their Bases to the closest solar systems to where the war is about to start.


There are solar systems whose sovereignty is held by one of the 5 great nations in every contestable realm, so the invader can choose one of them as the gathering point of the war. Such solar systems are generally where Reputation agents are. These solar systems are easy to locate by switch coloring scheme to "War Status" in the Realm Map.




There are two types of wars in the game: sovereignty war and war for a Corp facility. The purpose of starting a war against a Corp facility is to weaken the advantages of the defender in a solar system. The motives of starting a sovereignty war are usually either the solar system is in an important strategic position or it produces high value Corp minerals.


Based on the prosperity level, solar systems at level 49 produce orange Corp minerals, solar systems at level 47 produce purple Corp minerals, solar systems at level 44 produce blue Corp minerals, solar systems at level 41 produce green Corp minerals, solar systems at level 38 or lower produce the white Corp mineral.


Because the solar systems with higher prosperity levels are usually farther from the Origin Realm, there are solar systems whose sovereignty is held by one of the 5 great nations in every contestable realm for Base relocation before wars.