Logistics & Production

Logistics and Production


Logistics includes systems providing material support away from the battleground. The current logistics systems in the game are: Development, Decryption and Production. Development and Decryption are the main sources of blueprints. Production turns blueprints into products.


Personal Resources


Personal Resources are the fundamentals of Logistics. They can be used to enhance a player's combat capabilities, accelerate the process of pilot development, and bring wealth to the pilot. Therefore, gaining personal resources is one of the main motives for combat in the game.


The main personal resources in the game include: memory transplants and microchips for recruits development, ship attachments, blueprints, development units, and 5 types of minerals for production, etc. They can be viewed in the Warehouse of the player's Base.


Due to their vast and independent nature, details about Development and Decryption will be covered in their corresponding guides. The system of Production will be covered in the following.




All attachments above T1R2 can only be manufactured by players through Production. To unlock Production, players need to be at least in chapter 6 of the main plot. It will take about 2 hours in the main plot, and players will gain various resources needed in Production in the process.


When unlocked, players can start Production from the main menu of their bases.


Before actually starting a production, the player needs to prepare the corresponding blueprint and required minerals. The blueprint determines the output, and the minerals will be consumed when the production is completed.


There are two ways to reduce the material and time cost. First is the production-related research. There are 3 research routes individually for ship, weapon, ammo and attachment production to reduce the time, minerals and credits cost respectively. In addition, the productivity research routes are the prerequisites for corresponding advanced blueprints.


The next approach is to assign a recruit to reduce time, minerals or credits cost of a particular production line. There are chances that recruits have such specialties when joining the player's force. They can also learn expertise in this area by using microchips.


At last, increasing the pilot level unlocks more production lines. Players can also abort an ongoing production. This will return half the required minerals and cost the blueprint.




Logistics includes systems providing material support. Personal resources can be used to enhance a player's combat capabilities, accelerate the process of pilot development, and bring wealth to the pilot. They can be viewed in the Warehouse of the player's base.


The current logistics systems in the game are: Development, Decryption and Production. Production is the source of most ships and attachments in the game. Development and Decryption are the main sources of blueprints.


To start production, a player needs to be at least in chapter 6 of main plot. Production requires the corresponding blueprint, minerals and certain levels in the corresponding productivity research route. Production's time and material cost can be reduced by production-related research routes or recruits. Ongoing production can be aborted at the cost of half the minerals and the blueprint.