Nation and Career

Nation and Career


When creating a new character, the player needs to choose a nation and a career. This choice will affect the character's initial skill set and early game experience. It will not have a major impact on gameplay or character development.




The current national choices are Economic Community of Dawn (ECD), Neo-Europan Federation (NEF), Oracle Empire (OE) and Republic of Svarus (RS).


Different national backgrounds will result in different starting Solar Systems. The ships and attachments players receive from early gameplay are also affected by this choice. Players can experience the unique battle styles of each nation early in the game.


ECD ships are usually swift and agile. The combination of top-tier speed and the blaster weapon system creates the possibility to cause high damage at a close range.


NEF ships are known for their steady armor and shield. Combined with dead precision of the missile system, they are great for head on battles.


Ships of OE boast their advanced energy system which enables various shipboard devices to gain tactical advantages. They are mostly equipped with laser weapons, which deal higher damage the longer they fixate on a target.


RS ships may not impress at first glance, but do not under estimate them, as they weaving in and out of the battlefield with the long ranged railgun weapon system..


Characters will be assigned different starting Tech levels according to nation choice to ensure player experience in starting ships and Attachments.


New characters from ECD start with Tier 1 Tech in ECD frigates, ECD destroyers and blasters of all sizes.


New characters from NEF start with Tier 1 Tech in NEF frigates, NEF destroyers and missiles of all sizes.


New characters from OE start with Tier 1 Tech in OE frigates, OE destroyers and lasers of all sizes.


New characters from RS start with Tier 1 Tech in RS frigates, RS destroyers and railguns of all sizes.


Choice of Nation will only affect the early gameplay, all Tech is available later on in the game.




Career is another important choice during character creation. The current available careers are soldier, engineer, scientist and explorer. Like nations, different careers only affect the character's initial Tech:


Soldiers start off with Tech in weapon enhancers and weapon production.


Engineers start off with Tech in energy rechargers and attachment production.


Scientists start off with Tech in shield rechargers and ship production.


Explorers start off with Tech in thruster enhancement devices and scanners.




Different nation or career choice will affect the Pilot's starting Tech, starting solar system and rewards from some missions.


However, all the listed starting Tech is available later in the game, and all the mentioned main plot rewards can be purchased with in-game currency. Rest assured that character selection does not set any limit on character development or later gameplay.