Destroyers and Cruisers


Role: Countering small, fast targets

In many ways, destroyer can be considered upscaled frigates - slightly bigger, slightly slower and more expensive, playing a fringe role in a fleet.


What sets destroyers apart, however, is that they were designed from the ground-up to hunt and kill small and fast enemies. Specializing in interception, destroyers are the natural enemies of frigates. They protect the fleet's larger ships, and while they cannot hope to stand toe-to-toe to a battleship, they are well-equipped for their size and can be surprisingly effective in combat, even turning the tide in a pinch.


Example (ECD)

Wintersweet-Class Destroyer

ATK: ★☆

DEF: ★

Energy: ★

Range: ☆

Speed: ★★★★☆

The Economic Community of Dawn has prioritized the development of destroyers to protect their trade routes and combat piracy. The Wintersweet-class destroyer is the latest embodiment of their philosophy, and is widely regarded as one of the finest destroyer designs in the galaxy.


Its advanced fire control system calibrates every attack, tracking the enemy with uncanny accuracy, and it is equipped with the Blackwood Institute's latest invention, a device that creates a gravity well that slows enemy ships to a crawl while the Wintersweet moved in for the kill.



Role: Multi-role mid-range capital ship

The first cruisers were developed by the First Titan Empire, which utilized these versatile and capable ships to suppress insurrections across their massive empire. When the empire disintegrated, the cruisers fell into the hands of the successor nations, and became the predecessors of a class of mid-range, multi-role capital ships that continue to serve an important role in many navies.


Cruisers are usually equipped with transmitter systems, allowing them to perform effectively in a support role, and they are designed for long-ranged, consistent and stable operation in a variety of environments. They are also equipped with respectable firepower and protection, and while massive battleships may be the face of a nation's fleet, it is the cruisers that form the backbone.


Example (Republic of Svarus)

▶Warscythe-Class Cruiser

ATK: ★★☆

DEF: ★★

Energy: ★☆

Range: ★★

Speed: ★★☆

The Republic of Svarus' most recognizable warship, the Warscythe's design came from the desk of a Kulkeev Institute engineer, who was said to have come up with the idea while modifying his own private ship. The unnamed engineer was sent for "re-education", but his design survived and prospered in the highly successful Warscythe-class cruiser. The railgun system is equipped with an improved energy feedback system that results in less wasted energy, and they are backed by high-capacity generators and capacitors that ensure the Warscythe is an unstoppable killing machine that never stops.