

Second Galaxy boasts a wide range of ship classes that have different playstyles and roles.
We've already discussed the small and agile frigate, the destroyer with its powerful interception capabilities, and the flexible multi-role cruiser.
It is larger warships like battlecruisers that form the core of a battle fleet, however, and today we will talk about the class' characteristics.

Role: Large capital ship

Battlecruisers are capital ships, bridging the gap between cruisers and battleships. They are equipped with powerful weapons, and some battlecruisers also carry support enhancement systems that increase the effects of support equipment. Experienced commanders will place battlecruisers in the center of the fleet, maximizing their support capabilities.

Compared to the focused and dedicated battleship, the battlecruiser is a closer cousin to the multi-role cruiser, but is able to carry a much greater load of attachments. Balancing firepower and support, it is a flexible ship that acquits itself well in a variety of situations.


Example (Oracle Empire)
Curse-Class Battlecruiser

ATK: ★★★☆
DEF: ★★★
Energy: ★★★
Range: ★☆
Speed: ★★☆

Towards the end of the Fourth Galactic War, the Titan Empire conducted a series of secret projects, hoping to find some technological breakthrough that would turn the tide of the war. Far from saving the crumbling empire, however, the massive expenses incurred by these projects were one of the factors that accelerated the empire's downfall. Some of these researches fell into the hands of the Oracle Empire, who used them to develop the Curse-class battlecruiser.
The Curse-class battlecruiser is equipped with an absorption beam that drains enemy shield while restoring its own. Nor does it lack for conventional firepower, able to unleash deadly barrages at the enemy even at high speeds.

The Oracle Empire guards the technological secrets of the Curse-class jealously; even the technicians who work on it are carefully screened to ensure that their faith and reliability are beyond reproach.