Pre-registration Event Rewards



Each Commander is a shining star in the skies of Second Galaxy -- thank you for your continued support! More than one million players have pre-registered for an unforgettable journey in Second Galaxy! Here's everything you need to know about your pre-registration rewards:


- The total number of pre-registrations has exceeded 1 million and rewards will be sent to every Commander in the game.

                   Expert Recruit Employment Contract x1;

                   Standard Contraband Storage Cases x12;

                   Diamond Credit Vouchers x20;

                   Illegal Miners' Ore Containers x225;

                   INT Research Speed Up x1;

- Rewards will be sent via in-game mail. Commanders who enter the game within 60 days of the global launch will receive their rewards upon reaching level 7. Keep an eye on your mail and remember to claim the attachment as soon as possible!


The Great Council

September 9th 2019