Multilingual Version Update Completed

Respected Pilots:
Since its launch, Second Galaxy has become a popular game enjoyed by players from all over the world. In order to improve player experience in various regions, Second Galaxy’s Great Council has launched a new multilanguage version after a period of intense preparation. The newly-added languages are as follows: French, German, Russian, Italian, and Spanish. We welcome you, friends from around the world, to start a new journey with us!
In order to avoid keeping you waiting, the Great Council has launched the first version of this new language update. However, due to the heavy workload of this project, there may still be some imperfections in the translations of these five languages, and we hope you will be bear with us as we undergo the process of refining the game in this respect. We will continue to make further optimizations based on your feedback and continuous testing.
You can update the game through the following channels, and you can switch the language via the login screen, or from the game’s settings bar.
1. PC Client
When using the PC client, the update process will be initiated automatically when starting the game. Once the newest content has been downloaded and you enter the game, you will be able to switch to the newly-supported languages.
If you have not yet installed the PC client, please head to our official website to download the latest version and enjoy the multiple languages on offer.
2. iOS Client: 
Please go to the App Store to update the game to version 1.3.19. Once you’ve downloaded the new version, enter the game and enjoy the language of your choice.
3. Google Play Client: 
Please go to the Google Play Store to update the game to version 1.2.5. Once you’ve downloaded the new version, enter the game and enjoy the language of your choice.
4. Steam Client: 
Unfortunately, the Steam client does not support the new multilingual version at present, but you can try using other clients to play the game for now. We will endeavor to update the Steam client to support these new languages as soon as possible.
5. APK Client: 
Please head to our official website to download the latest APK, and enjoy your language of choice.
We’d like to express our thanks to the patience and support of every Second Galaxy player around the world. We sincerely hope that this update will bring even more enjoyment to players of every region, and grant everyone the chance to explore and comprehend the game to its fullest. We will add even more languages to Second Galaxy in the future. For further information, please keep an eye on our official announcements and communities.