Second Galaxy Version 1.4 - Major Update Notes

Greetings, Pilots! Today, we have prepared a detailed description of Second Galaxy’s first major update, which includes numerous optimizations of existing functions, bug fixes, server performance improvements, and some very useful new functions. Let's take a look at what’s in store.


Combat Changes

[Floating Overview]

1. You can now press and hold your finger down in space to directly select targetable ships at the point your finger touches the screen.

2. When you finger is placed over multiple ships, a floating overview will pop up, showing all targetable ships.

[Overview Lock]

1. When selecting a target in the overview, the relative position of the target in the overview will remain fixed.

[Overview Settings]

1. A ship type page has been added to the overview settings. You will now be able to choose to display or hide certain ship types in the overview.


Flight and Navigation


1. Orbiting distance can now be set manually by pressing the orbiting button and dragging it horizontally.

2. Fixed the issue where ships would fly straight to their orbiting target and enter the orbiting path only after flying too close.


1. After warping and crossing a star gate, your ship will stop automatically and will not continue to fly forward.

2. There will be some deviation in the actual position of the ship when it arrives at its warp destination. The bigger the ship is, the bigger the deviation will be.

3. Fixed the problem where, when warping to a space station, your ship's actual landing point would be too far from the target space station.

4. Fixed a problem where all fleet members would sometimes overlap at the same location during a fleet warp.

[Star Gates]

1. After passing through a star gate, you will now appear at a random location on the sphere, 23 km away from the gate.

2. The interaction distance from which you can pass through star gates has been reduced from 15 km to 10 km.

3. Crossing through a star gate will no longer force the chat interface to close, but will still close other interfaces.


1. The navigation function has been enhanced. The return to base button originally located in the upper left corner of the screen has been replaced with the Quick Nav function.

2. By using Quick Nav, you can establish routes to your base and your corporation’s star systems with a single tap.

3. Quick Nav automatically records the last three star systems you set a course for and allows you to return to them with optimized convenience.

4. Optimized star map region borders. Areas outside of the Origin realm will be accurately marked as belonging to one of the eight major realms.


Attributes Balancing

[Energy Nullification Devices]

1. Energy nullification devices will be divided into three types: small, medium, and large, according to their effect and energy consumption.

2. General energy nullification devices will be automatically replaced with medium energy nullification devices after the update.

3. The automatic replacement of these energy nullification devices will not affect trading post data or the base cost of medium energy nullification devices.

4. The group energy nullification device cooldown bonuses of Dervish and its T2/T3 derivatives will remain unchanged.

5. Basilisk and its T2/T3 derivatives have been modified so that they can now be equipped with medium energy nullification devices.

[Buff/Debuff Devices]

1. The effects of all buff/debuff devices that provide percentage-based effects will no longer stack, and only one can be in effect at any one time.

2. However, group buff/debuff effects can be stacked with single-target effects of the same type.

3. Unstackable buff/debuff effects will overwrite each other according to their value, with higher level effects replacing lower-level effects.

4. All absolute values of group device effects will continue to stack normally, and their original logic will remain unchanged.

[T2/T3 Tech Levels]

1. Shield, armor, energy, superdevice, and tactical component values of T2/T3 ships have been increased overall.

2. Shield resistances of T2/T3 ships have been increased overall, and higher-tech ships will have specialized resistance advantages.

3. Damage, cooldown, power consumption, and magazine capacity values of T2/T3 weapons and ammunition have been increased overall.

4. T2/T3 ships and their ranged single-target and group shielding and energy recharge device effects have been increased overall.

5. Overall improvements made been made to shield and energy extender component values of T2/T3 ships.

[Capital Ships]

1. The shield, armor, shield resistances, and initial weapon and device values of all Capital Ships have been increased overall.

2. When Capital Ships leave the shipyard, their superdevice energy will now be full by default after warping and jumping, and can be used right away.



[Player Level]

1. In order to allow new players to catch up with other players level-wise, the daily experience cap before reaching Lv.30 has been removed.

[Resistance Changes]

1. T2/T3-level hostile NPCs will also have specialized shield resistances in the same way players have them.

2. The mission interface will now indicate whether there is a high-tech level hostile NPC present when undertaking mission stages.

3. Mission details will include detailed resistances and strategies for dealing with high-tech level hostile NPCs.

4. In order for players to use these strategies, the power of all NPCs in PvE stages will be unified.

5. In order to match the strengths and weakness relationships of nations, hostile NPCs in all pilot license exam stages will be replaced by NPCs of enemy nations.

[Challenge Difficulties]

To accommodate the attribute increases made to T2/T3 ships, the difficulty of some gameplay modes will also increase:

1. Lv.38 and above star system missions.

2. Lv.38 and above corporation events.

3. Reputation quests from “Trusted” reputation level onward.

4. Wormholes of “Alarming” difficulty and above.

5. T2 Lv.2 and above pilot license examination missions.

[Reward Increases]

1. Rewards for reputation quests have been increased. Completing quests will grant you an unbound blueprint case, which can be opened immediately.

2. Increased Final Battle reward amount and adjusted the stage reward implementation system.

3. The T1 Lv.5 pilot license examinations of all nations will now reward T2 ships, which can be previewed in the pilot license exam interface.

[Gameplay Modes]

1. Added photography quests to available reputation quest types.

2. Exploration and reputation quests can now reduce your criminal level.



[Spatial Rejection]

1. Increased spatial rejection trigger volume to: Savage Sovereignty War = 400 Players   Player Sovereignty War = 400 Players

2. The limit on the number of players allowed in a warzone where a Sovereignty War is underway has been increased to 500. Once 500 players are in the warzone, the zone will become inaccessible.

3. Optimized rejection rules so that players are less likely to be rejected from battle when holding important fleet positions, piloting Capital Ships, and cloaked.

4. Optimized rejection execution to automatically balance the number of players on both sides of the battle and prioritize rejecting ships of lower tech levels.

[Star System Sovereignty]

1. Hundreds of sovereignty systems corresponding to the United Star Systems of Hygara have been opened in the Terminals constellation and can now be competed for at will.

2. To accommodate the attribute increases made to T2/T3 ships, the difficulty of Savage Sovereignty Wars at Lv.41 and above has been increased.

3. The sovereignty claiming zone’s warp entry point will now be further away, 60 kilometers away from the claiming facility.


1. When raid probes have been exhausted, they can be quickly purchased from the star map interface.

2. Raid probes have been added to the Galaxia.


1. Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to warp to their team and fleet members when in wormholes.

2. Players with 10 stacks of wormhole distortion will no longer be able to warp to other players or be included in group warps.


Corporation System

[Corporation Fleets]

1. You can now set focus targets within corporation fleets. Focused members will automatically appear at the top of the list.

2. Added an SOS button. Tap this button and you will be placed at the top of friendly fleet members’ overviews.

3. Relocated the Focus Fire button to make it easier for Gunnery Officers to see and operate.

4. Number of nearby fleet members/total fleet members will be displayed below the fleet button on the HUD.

5. In space, a special icon indicating members of the same fleet as you will appear in the upper right corner.

[Corporation Configuration]

1. A new Corporation Configuration function has been added. Any corporation settings can now be transferred to the corporation configuration.

2. Corporation members will automatically be able to see the corporation configuration via the corporation configuration function and proceed to operate it.

[Corporation Compensation]

1. Enhanced the corporation compensation quick purchase function. You can now open Corporation Compensation to purchase automatically from the trading post and complete compensation application.

2. Corporation compensation will be divided into two steps. The first step is to replenish items already available in the Corporation Warehouse and Mall items.

3. The second step is to purchase goods from the trading post. Corporation management can choose whether or not to proceed after this.

[Corporation Facilities]

1. Shield and armor values of corporation facilities, cargo transporters, and sovereignty facilities have been increased overall.

2. Viruses now affect shield values of sovereignty and corporation facilities, reducing their total by 35%.

3. Corporation facilities undergoing deployment, upgrading, and recovery will now be animated on the star map.

4. In space, deployed corporation facilities will display the corporation’s holographic logo.

[Corporation Messages]

1. Players will now need to reach Lv.20 to leave messages on the corporation message board.

2. Players can only post one message on a corporation’s message board every 30 minutes.

[Corporation Permissions]

1. The time period for which a Corporation CEO must be continuously offline before the position transfer process is triggered has been increased to 2 weeks.

2. When the leadership transfer process has been triggered, an alert message will be mailed to corporation members automatically.

3. One week after this mail has been sent, the transfer process will be executed only if the Corporation CEO is not online.

4. If online, the Corporation CEO needs to go to the member management interface to stop the transfer process.

[Corporation Bonuses]

1. Player names and their corresponding packs will be displayed by reward point-claiming entries in the corporation bonus interface.

[War Reports]

1. Optimized the ranking order of the Alliance War list to make ongoing wars higher priority.

2. Optimized the ship losses page so that entries will be sorted from high to low according to total losses.

3. Fixed the issue where war reports displaying excessive damage data would sometimes cause you to disconnect when tapping on details.


Development and Production


1. You can now skip the development animation by tapping on the screen to directly view the development results.

2. The implant development program has been upgraded. Players can now develop customized implants with fixed attributes.

3. Customized implants follow eight themes, corresponding to all four regions of the brain, and their attributes are not repeated:

a. Thunder Implants: Focused on enhanced blaster damage and performance.

b. Blaze Implants: Focused on enhanced laser damage and performance.

c. Crossbow Implants: Focused on enhanced railgun damage and performance.

d. Javelin Implants: Focused on enhanced missile damage and performance.

e. Aeon Implants: Focused on enhanced shield system performance.

f. Devotion Implants: Focused on enhanced energy system performance.

g. Swift Implants: Focused on enhanced propulsion system performance.

h. Core Implants: Focused on enhanced core system performance.

i. Tremble Implants: Focused on enhanced disruption system performance.

4. Players can continue to develop older random implants through the original development scheme.


1. Canceling production will now return the production blueprints and all of the minerals used in production.

2. Fixed the issue where mineral requirements for all T1 ships were too low.


Chat and Social Functions

[Chat Frames]

1. Increase the width of player information bubble boxes and improved chat box space utilization efficiency.

2. Moved the translation button out of the bubble box so that it no longer occupies a single line.

3. Current server time will now be displayed in the upper left corner of the chat frame interface.

4. When in space, the speech button below the integrated chat frame will be hidden by default.

5. You can now set up your own channels, which will appear in the integrated chat frame.

[Chat Channels]

1. By merging star system channels of all languages, players are now free to join star system channels of up to nine languages.

2. Expanded the private chat channel, so that players can now easily chat with multiple individual players at the same time.

3. Added a Fleet channel.

4. Deleted the Nearby channel.

[Block List]

1. You can now add other players to your block list. This will automatically block chat messages and mail from these players.

2. Upgraded the upper limit of social lists, increasing the number of friendly, hostile, and blocked players in your relationship settings to 150 people each.

[Other Social Optimizations]

1. The mail system has now returned to normal. Players can now send mail as designed.

2. The profanity filter has been optimized so that players can send and receive accepted chat content as intended.


Events and Stores

[Adventure Plan]

1. Added new Adventure Plan perk: Production and decryption time reduced by 50%.

2. This acceleration effect only applies to new production and decryption projects started after the update.

[Daily Login]

1. The daily log-in reward scheme has been redesigned, greatly increasing the log-in rewards available.

2. Log in to claim the following: Blueprints Cases, Implant Cases, Senior Recruit Employment Contracts, Dev Units, Contraband, and more.

[Total Logins]

1. A new total login event will be initiated, featuring significantly increased rewards.

2. This event offers the following rewards: Encounter Probes, T2 Scanners, T2 Frigates, T2 Battleships, Senior Recruit Employment Contracts, and more.

[Event Modes]

1. Content for the second Badge Challenge event and successive festivals and events has been prepared.


Other Optimizations

[Space Stations]

1. When there are interactive NPCs or deliverable missions in a space station, a special marker will now appear for the corresponding interaction points.

2. You will now automatically interact with corresponding NPCs when entering a space station via the business function or after completing reputation quests.

3. When selecting a ship to launch, weapon and device configurations for all selectable ships will now be visible at the same time.

4. If contraband is present in your selected ship when launching, you will be asked to confirm your departure.

[Ship Hangar]

1. The installation function will now check whether the weapon types you have installed match the ship’s bonuses.

2. When installing single-barrel weapons on Destroyers and Battleships, you will be informed that dual-barrel weapons should be installed.

3. When a ship’s configuration is changed, the system will inform you of the attribute increases or decreases brought about by these changes in the form of text values.


1. When new players first enter the game, they will be taken to the display settings interface. The system will recommend settings according to your device model.

2. You can now hide all ship models in the display settings.

3. You can now set the volume of music and sound effects separately in the game.

4. Now you can set up individual push notification settings in the game.



1. Optimized the acceleration and feel when rotating the camera in space, space stations, and ship hangars.

2. When you enter photo mode, a control bar will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, which can be used to adjust the camera.

3. Screenshots taken in photo mode can be saved directly to the client's local image album.

[Return to Base Reports]

1. Reports have been added for the following features: Scanners, Reputation Quests, Story Missions, and Sovereignty Wars.


1. The five kinds of mineral qualities will now be identifiable in the research details interface by the different background colors on their respective icons.


1. Recruits who are assisting in research and production will now be able to study an expertise.

2. The recruit’s skill level will be color-coded and marked by a tech identifier in the recruit interface.

[Personal Wallet]

1. A button to obtain currencies and go to the store has been added under each currency introduction.

[All Stores]

1. Optimized the sorting order of goods in the Mall, Trading Post, Merit Shop, and Black Market.


And thus concludes the update notes for Second Galaxy’s first major update! If you have any comments or suggestions regarding any of this content, please leave a message in the comments below. Let's keep working to improve Second Galaxy together!


The Watcher