Nov 23rd Temporary Update Maintenance

The update is completed. This update mainly includes:
1. Fixed the issue where Corp Diplomats could not delete Corp Messages;
2. Fixed the problem that limited goods’ trading page may disappear abnormally during event time;
3. Fixed an issue where League Rank would disappear when one or more Corp Rank was cleared;
4. Optimized the description of Revolution’s superdevice, added the description of upper limit of shield effect;
5. Corrected the English translation of intermediate and advanced scientific research - tactical shield operation;
6. Corrected the English translation of Revolution in Medal interface;
7. Fixed login problem that may occur when players log off in wormhole;
8. Fixed the issue where the range effect of the superdevice was not properly removed after the Capitalship Aegis was destroyed;
9. Fixed the issue that the ally is wrongly identified as a hostile target when the superdevice of Capitalship Aegis was turned on;
The Great Council