Version 1.6 Development Preview V2

Version 1.6 Development Preview
Greetings, Pilots!
This Galactic Vanguard Outpost Report is the development preview for the upcoming version 1.6 update. This time, we’ll be introducing the new systems to be launched in the next version, including: a new bounty system, a threat analysis system, an achievement system, a new title system, and various optimizations for existing game systems.
Bounty System
Since Second Galaxy’s launch, a number of leading PvP players have emerged in the game. Some of them are known for terrorizing the galaxy, while others are committed to maintaining peace and justice. In the new version, we will launch a reward system to support this kind of unique bounty hunting concept initially cultivated by PvP players, and we hope to flesh out the experience of playing the criminal or bounty hunter with corresponding rewards and features.
Posting Bounties
Through the Bounty system, you can place bounties on the heads of other players. You can target the same player as many times as you want. When a player is wanted, they will be marked with a special logo in space. All available bounties on a single player will be amassed into a single reward pool, which will appear on a server-wide bounty list.
Becoming a Bounty Hunter
Through the Bounty Rankings, bounty hunters are free to choose which target they want to track, and by paying a certain amount of Gala, they can obtain information on whether the target is online, in a space station, which constellation they are in, and the number of warps away from themselves they are, as well as gaining basic positioning info for the next 48 hours.
Tread Carefully
By killing bounty targets, bounty hunters will be able to receive bonus Gala from the reward pool, according to their shot down report evaluation. Bear in mind that using Gala to purchase target tracking information in advance is not a prerequisite for receiving a Gala bonus. In other words: If you happen to come across a player with a bounty logo while roaming the galaxy, you can get full rewards by killing them.
But be careful — only the most fearsome pirates of the galaxy will be wanted by other players, so the bounty sign can also be taken as a mark of extreme danger.
Threat Analysis System
With the introduction of the bounty system, we have deduced that: Players will need a way to view the basic attributes of unknown players more easily to make quick judgments on how dangerous these unknown players are. To this end, we have developed a threat analysis system in tandem with the bounty system and placed it on the player details interface for players to consult at any time.
Threat Analysis Display
To protect player privacy, the threat analysis system display will only show the most basic data, including: Pilot Rating, Kills, Shot Down Value, Kill/Death Ratio, Historical Bounty Total, Bounty Hunter Ranking, Favorite Ship, Achievements, Titles, Medals, and Basic Corporation and Alliance Information. We believe that this information will be enough to make an accurate assessment of the target’s upgrade level, combat experience, basic combat style, and game progress.
Achievement System
Second Galaxy is a complex and vast world, filled with countless play styles, upgrade paths, and hidden treats to unveil and explore. In order to guide players through this expansive world of exploration, while recording each pilot’s journey with meaningful milestones, the new version will introduce an achievement system. By completing achievements, you can get huge Credit and Gala rewards.
Achievement List
The first batch of achievements to be launched in version 1.6 will fall into 6 main categories and 40 subcategories, standing at a total of more than 1,400 achievements, covering combat, logistics, exploration, gathering, gameplay experiences, upgrading, and Recruit training. Additionally, all achievements will be divided into four tiers: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Some of them will offer special titles, and some will even be reserved exclusively for the first player to complete them.
The Path of Glory
Every time a server-first achievement is completed, the player who completes it will be able to carve their name on the Path of Glory, and special rewards will be sent to every player on the server, as well as every new player who joins the game in the future, in their name.
Title System
The title system will work in conjunction with the achievement system, and can be accessed to view all of the titles currently available in the game, how to acquire them, whether they have been acquired already, and whether or not acquired titles will be displayed in the threat analysis system or placed in front of your name. If you choose to display an acquired title, your title will be shown in almost every interface in the game where your name is displayed, including chat channels, rankings, shot down reports, and the combat overview, among others, to show your own unique achievements to the world.
Other Optimizations
In addition to developing new systems and upgrading existing systems, we will also introduce dozens of optimizations in the new version, such as:
All-new Great Reward Missions will appear during encounters.
Players will be able to carry out ten consecutive research studies in the development system, and remaining development chances will be viewable in the development interface.
Battle and Final Battle phases of all Sovereign and Facility Wars will be limited to a maximum of 24 hours. If the attacker fails to attack within 24 hours, the war will automatically end and the defending side will win.
A one-tap read all mail function will be added to the mail system.
Extra energy obtained via equipment will no longer be counted when calculating the percentage of energy consumed by equipment.
Respective recruit energy levels will be displayed when in space.
Team size will be increased from 3 members to 5 members.
All places where numbers appear in the game will strictly use the thousands separator.
And thus concludes our first version 1.6 update preview! Let's keep working to perfect Second Galaxy together!