Have You Noticed the Difference Mixing and Matching Soldiers Can Make?

2019-02-10 01:56:48


In Langrisser, you’ll find that you sometimes need to change which soldiers your heroes bring into battle to deal with different enemy lineups on different stages. Langrisser’s class priority relationships make a huge difference in battle, so in some fights, you may find that you need to mix up your soldier formations in order to gain the upper hand.


Different soldier combinations can also be applied to PVP battles.

These combination can grant you an advantage, and can also be used to level the playing field in unfavorable situations.


With regard to soldiers and heroes, we should also mention another important concept in Langrisser, that is, the speed at which they attack in battle.


This system is very complex, and each soldier's attack method is different when analyzed in detail.


Basic Concepts:


The damage dealt by soldiers and heroes is calculated separately. No matter what type of soldier an Infantry hero uses to attack a Cavalry hero, the Infantry hero will be at a disadvantage.


What are the benefits of changing soldiers?

Situation A

Infantry Hero with Infantry Soldiers vs. Cavalry Hero with Cavalry Soldiers



Combat Advantage Remains. Cavalry Wins


Situation B

Infantry Hero with Lancer Soldiers vs. Cavalry Hero with Cavalry Soldiers



If the Cavalry hero and Cavalry soldiers are not strong enough to defeat the Lancer soldiers (due to class priority, the Cavalry will not deal much damage when attacking the Lancer soldiers), the Infantry hero will take no damage.


In Conclusion:

Soldiers who can defend their hero and balance the battle’s class priorities can prevent your hero from taking a lot of damage.


Situation C



Infantry Hero with Lancer Soldiers vs. Cavalry Hero with Infantry Soldiers


This situation is a little more complicated.

Let’s have a look at a concept from the original Langrisser games – attack speed. This concept is faithfully reproduced in Langrisser’s mobile version.

In situation C, the Cavalry hero will launch a charge attack, and thus go ahead of his soldiers, unfortunately running into the Infantry hero’s Lancer soldiers.


The hero’s attack is directed at the Lancer soldiers, taking damage from them, and then his Infantry soldiers eventually show up late to the battle. After a bloody battle with the Lancers, the Infantry may wipe them out and partially damage the Infantry hero (or may not even fully kill the soldiers), and then the battle ends. In cases such as this, you will find that your heroes take precedence over your soldiers in taking damage because of the attack speed factor.


Is it a bad thing when heroes rush ahead?


Not always.


Situation D

Infantry Hero with Infantry Soldiers vs. Cavalry Hero with Lancer Soldiers



If the Cavalry hero is strong enough, he can rush forward and kill the Infantry hero and his soldiers in one strike. In this instance, the Cavalry hero completely saves his soldiers from being crushed by the other side, but loses a little HP.

So, every time Cavalry rushes out first, what else can the soldiers do? Well... If the cavalry hero is fired at from a distance by Archers, the Lancers will help him absorb more damage than Cavalry soldiers (after all, Lancers have higher defense than Cavalry).




Situation E

Lancer Hero with Infantry Soldiers vs. Cavalry Hero with Infantry Soldiers



In this situation, the Cavalry hero will rush ahead, killing the Infantry soldiers and then taking a little damage from the Lancer hero, but remaining in fairly good condition. His infantry will then follow up and attack the hero Lancer, over whom they hold an advantage.

So, here are the basic takeaways:


Bringing soldiers who can defend against your own class weakness can prevent your heroes from taking a lot of damage (this is beneficial in most cases).


Mixing up your soldiers will make certain levels easier to deal with, and can often be the difference between victory and defeat.