Watch Your Step -- There’s More to Terrain Than Meets the Eye!

2019-02-26 00:54:23

Before entering battle,

Commanders must choose their units according to the terrain of the battlefield.

For example, when fighting on a map with vast areas of desert,

Cavalry is not a wise choice.

Every movement on desert terrain consumes two Mobility for Cavalry units,

Greatly reducing their maneuverability.


As Fliers and Infantry are not affected by desert, they can navigate through the stage without restriction.


Needless to say, you should send your Fliers out whenever you need to grab a treasure chest!


In the course of each battle, defensive bonuses can be gained by taking advantage of favorable terrain. When the terrain is on your side, you’ll learn to appreciate its significance.



In the stage below, Leon has occupied a mountain tile, increasing his defense by 10%. It will be very difficult for the enemy to one-shot him in this position.



There are many kinds of terrain in Langrisser. Let's take a more detailed look at the effects of some of the game’s most common terrain types.


Terrain Mobility Costs and Defensive Bonuses





Mobility Cost: In these terrains, each block moved will consume a numerical value relating to the unit’s Mobility.

For example, a Cavalry unit with a Mobility of 5 can move 2 blocks per turn on desert terrain.


If you’re finding it hard to remember all the different terrain types, you can check the terrain info box in the upper right corner of the battle screen at any time.